Me and my girlfriend broke up, frens. :(

437  2019-04-30 by ScuffedTendies


Feel better, fren. There are plenty of fish in the sea

Thank you, fren <3

Feel better, fren

Don’t worry fren, she’s the one missing out :)

Thank you very much, frens

One day you’ll wake up and it won’t hurt anymore fren, but now it will and that’s ok, this is the storm before the calm fren

True love like the movies doesn’t exist fren

But love does and you’ll find your one, just don’t stop searching fren

Keep your head up King, your diamond helmet is falling off😔🤟

Don’t worry fren it’ll get better

I think this will help you fren

Poor girl, dating a ledditor that roleplays as a retarded baby frog on the Internet, I'm sure she's really missing out :(


Stop being so unfrenly, please.


Do you want to be included?

Non fren Detected

Sounds like you need a hug fren no need to be so hostile to this sad fren you doing okay? Do you need a fren to talk to? We're all frens here :)

Sorry fren. Also why is this nsfw?

I didnt set it as that i guess the mods bopped it

Don’t worry fren, we’re here to help you

It was only your turn with her, you'll find someone else or just be happy by yourself :)

It's ok fren, plenty more frens in the sea

O no fren


That sucks fren. My bf is based af and I will never leave. You will find another lady fren. A better one.

your lucky you had one fren rip me

It’s okay fren. You’ll meet that someone that really wants to be with you through thick and thin. It’s a learning lesson fren

Don’t worry fren we love you and you’ll get better soon

Me too fren, heckin sucks.

It's all good, now she has a new not as cool fren, and your can get a cooler better fren

It's all good fren. If you've never felt loss you wouldn't be able to appreciate all you have.

Stay strong fren

Well fren, breakups can hurt, and I understand that. I really hope you feel better soon though! And remember, it’s okay to take some time for yourself! Wrap yourself in some blankets and watch some videos or browse some Reddit! Good luck fren :)

Were y’all serious?

Yeah pretty serious

I’m sorry fren. Going through something very similar. Frens are all that keep me going

I'm sorry you're sad fren but don't give up hope you're an ever changing person and everything that happens good and bad is what's making you into the best fren of your future wifren

Same, fren

That does suck fren. Lemme give you some advice to try cheer you up.

Think about it like this. You wake up. It's a Saturday morning. The first thing you see is your beautiful 6 year old daughter, jumping on you to wake you up. You look to your side and you see her. You stare into her beautiful eyes, and she smiles at you. She's your girl. The right girl.

The only way that you would have met this girl, is if you broke up with your current girlfriend. When you stare into her eyes, and you see her smile. Everything, all the pain and bullshit. It'll all be worth it in the end.

Stay strong fren

Its ok fren she was a nonfren

Life goes on fren, just like it did before you met her.

its okay fren she dont deserve you

Get a new girlfren