"Nick, what's goin' on big guy? You just tripped my fren."

161  2019-04-30 by ClaudiusEsperante


*sad emotions and krippeling depression rise throught his body

If ur a true fren make sure to support our fren on gumroad!

Has fren uploaded anything lately?

He has fren! Doing his normal thing with Hydewars, and sent out this email detailing what hes doing to release more MDE like content.

Evrytim i think of it i cry big boy tears fren thank you for being here for me

Not cool, Nick. Fem frens are frens too.

Fren, I’m not gonna invite you into my beautiful home, have a wine party, just so I can trip your fren through a table.

You just kicked my wife through a table, fren

Your fren owes me 2000 dollars.

You owe me $2000 >:(

Ahhh jeez dude, I'm on these pills bro. I broke my leg and they put me on these pills, i cant afford them bro


I'm high right now but is that MIKE ENOCH???