At first I was just having fun and clowning around. What's wrong with a little honking when we live in clown world? Just enjoy the decline, right? Well it isnt fun anymore frens. Time to make some changes.

22  2019-04-30 by BobRoss744


Come back to us fren.

Some honks and habits will take time to break, but I'm making my way fren.

Don’t change fren. The non-frens have corrupted you

The non frens are the ones who told me I could honk without becoming a clown.

They were wrong. Even worse, I think they were tryin to trick me into becoming a clown.


I think you honked ye and it was good and it is okay to watch the honks with your frens ye from afar and not honk nay but hug and be nice and if frens ever get attacked then you can bop the nonfrens and even honk while you bop. Ye

It is what jesus would do. It is hard to be a good fren ye. Jesus honked that day in the temple ye and it got him bopped.

Its sad that our fun honking had to be taken away because some people had to use it to be unfrenly, but look on the bright side, now you can be a fren