Hey frens! I made a scary ghost costume out of bed sheets to scare away the non-frens!

278  2019-04-30 by MartyrSaint


What do you think frens?

very scary fren, almost got me

Needs a pointy hood fren. All the ghosts in my hometown had pointy hoods.

Nonononono don’t do that people with pointy hoods hate the brownfrens

All frens are welcome here :)

you look very ghostly and cozy fren

Make a pointy hat to go along with it. It’ll make you look taller and scarier to nonfrens!

Oh! Good idea! I’ll ask around and see if any frens have some spare party hats!

And don't forget the red cross sigil! Its makes the nonfrens uncomfortable

That’s definitely a non-fren sigil.

I am having a big spook fren. Maybe have a big party hat on to make it less spooky but also keep it white so you still look like a ghost.

Not good fren, the top of your head gives you away. Put a klan hat on

I'm goin to my frens birthday party and want to give him big spook too. Will it look ok if I wear this over top the birthday hat?

It will definitely be scary but they wont be able to see your party hat! What if they think you’re a real spooky ghost and not a fren looking to party harty?

That's what I want! Itll be super spooky, then I'll take it off and they'll see my hat and itll be fren time!

Then you would be the ghost of Chad


Wow! Very scary fren!!!

Spoopy, fren!

Very cool fren, can you help me make one too?

Yeah! I’ll see if I have any more bed sheets!

This is very spooky fren, i was spooked hard


I want to scare away the non-frens! Boo!

fren this looks like kkk :(

Ah, dear god. Almost scared the hell out of me.

Woa there fren watch the language

Sorry fren. I was scared.

How about tonight, we sneak up to one of their houses, and right on their lawn we'll set fire to a big lowercase "t"! Yeah, for "time to leave"!

That’s a very non-fren thing to do.

its sad that nonfrens are going to think this is a kkk joke, be careful out there frens

Wait, if it's not a kkk joke, then what is it?

A fren dressing up as a ghost? what else would it be lmao

A kkk joke

yup just saw the part 2 :(

What part 2??

someone else in the comment section suggested that he put a white cone on the frogs head and he did it making it an actual makeshift kkk robe

The party hat was as far as I wanted to take it. It was a cheap laugh with a really stupid joke. Really got out of hand even before people started commenting things about tire swings and cross burning.

Kinda disappointed that I have actual degenerate hardcore racists PMing me their “support” as well as people who didn’t take my post too lightly threatening me with stupid shit like knowing who I am or contacting the FBI.

Honestly, It was a moronic joke and I probably shouldn’t have posted “part 2”. Can’t really take it back or apologize either since it’ll just cause even more trouble.

Blegh, sorry. Just had to say this somewhere.

Okay it’s fine you’re forgiven and in any other circumstance I wouldn’t say anything, but we’re not the most liked group on reddit right now so we have to chill out with slightly offensive jokes at least for the time being. It does happen to the best of us though just be careful next time please because we got really shit on for it.

Oh, believe me man. I’ve felt the full force of this whole mess. I’m still getting “hey idiot, we just put your username on [insert sub here]” messages and replies.

This is literally the point of this sub though, and I think this is clear evidence of that.

I have actual degenerate hardcore racists PMing me their “support” as well as people who didn’t take my post too lightly threatening me with stupid shit like knowing who I am

Regardless of intent, this is an area of polarity; hardline either way, looking to (c)overtly communicate, by way of plausible deniability.





Aaah you scared me fren

Okay it’s fine you’re forgiven and in any other circumstance I wouldn’t say anything, but we’re not the most liked group on reddit right now so we have to chill out with slightly offensive jokes at least for the time being. It does happen to the best of us though just be careful next time please because we got really shit on for it.

This is literally the point of this sub though, and I think this is clear evidence of that.

I have actual degenerate hardcore racists PMing me their “support” as well as people who didn’t take my post too lightly threatening me with stupid shit like knowing who I am

Regardless of intent, this is an area of polarity; hardline either way, looking to (c)overtly communicate, by way of plausible deniability.