keeping frenworld safe

1047  2019-04-30 by 6969-win


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But can't non frens become frens?

As soon as they do become frenly outside the border, they can be accepted in as a fren :3


Pope fren forgives all, but one must ask and believe

Your cigilance is appreciated, fren! Keep it up!

You are very good at fort building fren.

Pillow walls to keep nonfrens away

Good luck fren!

am fren let me in

Tell us the code first

great pillow fort, fren

Thank you for your hard work, fren

stay safe fren

Nonfrens gather, and now my watch begins

Thanks, fren. I'm very afraid of nonfrens. Why they hate frenworld so much?

The nonfrens are going to pay for these pillos.

thank u fren for keeping us safe

Can i come in fren?

Hey fren is me. I got my switch! Can I come in so we can play some vidya?

Aye fren let me in i no the password. Its BOOTY. :)

Fren I fucking love this meme.

Frens, we're going to need a bigger fort to keep the nonfriends out 😥

Do any of my frens have extra pillows?!

Fern do heretics count as non fren?

I feel safer already!

Pope fren forgives all, but one must ask and believe