Wanted to spend time with my frens today but have to do homework. Miss you frens

74  2019-04-30 by Towelie62


Finish your homework and then we can hang all day fren

You smart fren. Wish I was smart fren too.

You are

Do well in your studies, fren! We will wait for you

Thanks fren! It's going well


We show the non-frens the jobs real degrees get!

wen your done with you're homework can we play minecfart fren?

Sure fren!

yay. theres this new minecraft server, its called r/Fricktastic

Here's a sneak peek of /r/fricktastic using the top posts of all time!

#1: let me in | 3 comments
#2: F's in the chat bois. | 2 comments
#3: Petition to have colored player names so chat is easier to read | 7 comments

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