And nonfrens say this is an unfrenly place, maybe they should look in the mirror. SMH

721  2019-04-30 by ScuffedRomanReigns


Beautiful fren, always good to have moar frens :)

u can nver have to much frens ;)


Fren's aren't defined by where they come from, they're defined by who they choose to be -Paarthunax

There were other subs branded "hatesubs" that agreed with that.

Delphine is the biggest nonfren

She wanted to kill parthufren

Pathufren had many mortal lives to regret his wrongdoings and became better for it. Only nonfrens wouldn’t be willing to forgive after so much time!

Plus he Mariofren

Why should we have to justify innocent helper memes with racial tolerance? I mean of course, people of all shapes, colors, and sizes can be frens.

But now the nonfrens will use this as evidence of frenworld trying to disguise some alleged "propoganda"

Those non frens are insane, we host lonely and want frens and memes.

you want fren?

All colors that are green

Frens are not a status symbol. They are just different branches or roots of a bigger tree. With each new fren the tree grows and before you know it, the tree is so huge, Elon Musk's Tesla in space will find a parking space in one of the frenly treehouses' garage

Very deep fren.

A new fren !

fren y u virtu signale?

We must turn non-frens into frens and we can be frenly together.

I’m a Mexican American Frens. 🌮🇺🇸🐸

Hi Fren, pls gib taco, me hungry

Here fren: 🌮

nom nom nom

Plus he Mariofren
