Frens, my brain is too full, my professors are unfrenly, and I’m feeling very unsmart no matter how hard I work. I’m taking all upper-division classes, and some of them are just bopping my brain 🧠💥I’m an excellent student, but I got very unlucky with professors this semester

55  2019-04-29 by RonaldBump98


I'm sorry, school can be tough. I hope everything works out for you, and I mean that sincerely.

Thank you❤️

Do not worry fren you are almost done. We believe in you and just try your best until the end so you can enjoy some tendies. Good luck out there :)

Thank you fren! Mmm tendies sound nice

I know that feel fren. Just finished my last year of grad school, but I might have failed a class due to a bad prof. Would be my first fail ever, and would hold me back a year. Still, we both gonna make it fren. Chin up <3

Thank you fren :’) It’s comforting that you understand what I’m going through. I may get my first D or even F in one of these classes, and I’m completely shocked

You are not alone fren! My professors are no good either! You are smart and you are loved fren. Keep up the hard work! It’ll all be worth it in the end.

Grades come and go but what matters is that you've become a better person through your struggles fren

I love you fren :”)

I love you both

Fren, the struggle is real. I'm currently in the middle of law school finals myself. The most important thing is to actually try and learn, as cliche as that might sound. Grades are obv important for practical reasons, but you must not let bad feelings or bad prof. make you feel bopped.

Thank you for the advice fren. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!!💕