Why is the world so mean frens?

130  2019-04-29 by jordan-beterson


Don't worry Mr. Beterfren, all frens are welcome here.

Misery loves company. They have no frens and so want to make sure no one else does, either. They're just sad, hateful people. They deserve our pity, really.

they have no love for each other fren. not ever.

they habe no love for each other because they have no love for themselves, fren

They're just jealous, fren, don't worry about them

How can people who claim they oppose hate subreddits be so hateful, frens?

I don't know fren. But we have each other, and that's enough.

Irony is what they seed

They only find fullfilment through resentment and social media. Laugh them off and keep with your own business, fren.

We have to be strong frens! I am scared too but we must not allow our frenliness to fall silent amidst our fears! The non-frens will not be around much longer if our happier frenliness takes the "hot" and "new" by storm. Post about the GOOD of your days fren. Even if it was a moment you almost dropped a chicken nugget and caught it with your slipper before it hit the ground! The smallest act of fren will always bop the nonfrend! Lets show em!

make sure to arm yourself fren, people like this will be willing to ban you irl, and when there's no place to congregate they will try. and when they do you will be ready


Imagine wasting your time being so unfrenly lol

This is why we have frenworld. It's why we need frenworld.

It's clown world out there, fren.


they can ban frens, but they can't stop you lifting and bettering yourself frens. Never forget that!

It's ok fren, some non-frens just want to make the world an unfrenly place by spreading lies a misinformation to bop frens, like us. Keep being frenly, fren

I don't know fren. But we have each other, and that's enough.

Irony is what they seed

They only find fullfilment through resentment and social media. Laugh them off and keep with your own business, fren.