Been playing a lot of Super Smash Frens lately, I main Ness. What do all my frens enjoy playing?

74  2019-04-29 by CallMeTildo


I like playing Mario kart 8 soo much I am getting a switch, fren!

That's great and really cool fren! I've been using dolphin to emulate a lot of my old favs, including mario kart double dash

Thank you fren, I get yelled at all the time for going into the children’s hospital and taking there game cubes for there valuable contents to sell on alibaba, but I have enough net bud for a switch!

That doesn't sound very frenly, fren :( Are you shore you're not a clown ? ?

It’s ok my mom makes me bring them back fren.

That's good fren, it sounds like you have a good mom!

Yes fren I do.


I enjoy Skyrim and Rainbow atm.

Rainbow 6 is really good fren and very fun, I actually still prefer csgo just because it feels more like a vidja game than real life. Rainbow takes too much thinking for me to be any good

That's ok fren. As long as you like it and it's not illegal than what's the harm?

I’ve been playing Dragon Quest XI, fren. It’s a good time.

I did a quick goobly search to find your game fren, It doesn't sound like my cup of tea. . But if it brings my frens joy then it must be pretty frenly!

That’s ok fren, it is fine to like different games.

Minecraft! Lots of Minecraft

Minecraft holds such a special place in my heart fren, i've probably played 10000 hours on it over the last decade or so. Even when I'm not playing it I occasionally go back and listen to the soundtrack just to get the feels

10000 is an exaggeration frens

I also like smash. I like Dedede because he is a big penguin.

Big D is very fun for sure Fren! I like when I get the wobbly doo and he pew pews on the stage!

I've been playing borderlands 2 with my best fren lately.

What character do you use fren? I’m zero, he bops with no mercy!

I originally mained Gaige and got her to OP 5, tried a bit of Axton and Maya. Currently doing a run as Sal while my fren plays as Zero.

Same fren! It brings back the good memories and brings me hope for bl3

Zeldo is cute but Lank is pretty good too

I play Star Citizen, fren. Still a work in progress.

Been playing RE 2 remastered fren. It gives me big spookies and now i am skered fren! Fun game tho!

Factorio, EU4 and world of warships :)))

I like Ken, fren.

I've been super into Fire Emblem lately fren! Beat FoR and now I'm on radiant dawn!

I main my fat fren Dedede

Villager because he is frenly.

I like to smash, frens want to smash?

I main Lucas fren he is very fun

My wife's fren bought me a Nintendo Switch and I love playing the Mario game!!