Hi frens plz come in cozy snow fitness house

0  2019-04-29 by Cinci_Socialist


it seems that a delusional commiecel has infiltrated the great centrist frog sub

what will you do comrade when mr sanders loses hard from his chronic old age and biden beating the shit out of him in the primary?

imagine thinking that politics is won in the ballot and not on the streets

What will you do when the cities in the US go off like France has when the economy crashes next year, after Bernie wins the nomination and Trump refuses to hand over power?

God you fascists are so delusional. This only ends one way. I know you know that capitalism is failing and in crisis. I know you know it won't last forever. Get out of this fucking death cult and help us stop climate change so you can have a fucking future for your fucking white childen.

"in the streets"

Honey... just.. no.

Imagining frail chapo little dick warriors like you in the "streets" is so laughable. The delusion of you little guys is hilarious. What revolution will you be starting when you chapos have a hard time getting out of your parent's basement?

The delusion is your notion that

A. The revolution will be initiated by Chapo posters. It will not. It will be initiated by people in struggle. And it will happen irregardless of our posting activities.

B. That the average chapo poster is a basmet dwelling n33t. I think you're obviously projecting. I mean, the modern alt-right really got started on 4chan's /pol/, and we all know who hangs out on pol. Of course, 4chan pol is mostly boomers these days, and the edgys neets are on 8chan, and reddit, where I've found you.

I also think it's funny how we're simultaneously 'violent left wing thugs' and 'weak effeminate soyboys'

tldr; your cult is stupid, your "hiding-racism-with-baby-language" schtick is embarrassing. Like charlie kirk and his fucking diapers haha. You're all nerds, and one day you'll be tossed into the gulag. Cheers.

who the fuck is charlie kirk dude lmao

you're delusional and need to get offline asap, you're poisoning ur mind with retarded shit. get a job dude

One day you’ll be thrown out of a helicopter for trying to have people share their homes with random people or because people will be pissed that they would no longer have private property. Thinking your average person would want communism having lived under it would be fucking stupid.

Man can't you just leave this place alone? The whole purpose of this sub is to post frendly reactionary images with each other. It wasn't until people started to skew it into some sort of political propaganda machine that we had any problems. Just leave us alone.


This is nonfren. Modddddsssssss

The nonfren has been bopped


Can you faggots get your politics out of my fun sub thanks.

I dont even understand why they're bringing politics into this sub. Its never even been close to being about that, yet here they are projecting some sort of agenda on us.

The delusion is your notion that

A. The revolution will be initiated by Chapo posters. It will not. It will be initiated by people in struggle. And it will happen irregardless of our posting activities.

B. That the average chapo poster is a basmet dwelling n33t. I think you're obviously projecting. I mean, the modern alt-right really got started on 4chan's /pol/, and we all know who hangs out on pol. Of course, 4chan pol is mostly boomers these days, and the edgys neets are on 8chan, and reddit, where I've found you.

I also think it's funny how we're simultaneously 'violent left wing thugs' and 'weak effeminate soyboys'

tldr; your cult is stupid, your "hiding-racism-with-baby-language" schtick is embarrassing. Like charlie kirk and his fucking diapers haha. You're all nerds, and one day you'll be tossed into the gulag. Cheers.