Hi frens. Have you ever tried a charcoal face mask? It really help to open up your pores. Great for green skin!

315  2019-04-29 by Toriels_booty_call


I heard it's so good you can cover only 13% of your face but clear out 60% of your pores!

Remember to only use them when necessary fren, I've had them actually worsen my skin complexion from overuse.


of trannies

Geez man

Careful fren, I wouldn't want a fren to get bopped for keeping their skin healthy.

Oh okay, I'm sorry fren, I'll keep it to myself from now on.

No fren, only do in private because peopel think it’s rasict

These peopel are not our frens then, why do they not tolerate our colorful frens?

I do not know fren

(dont do it in public fren)

I dont think having a facemask in public is the way to go anyways fren

(that is correct)


Yo yo yo sup my frens


charcoal is a miracle substance

Charcoal is okay but mud is better. Boreyong mud is best mud.

Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boryeong_Mud_Festival

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Boryeong Mud Festival

The Boryeong Mud Festival is an annual festival which takes place during the summer in Boryeong, a town around 200 km south of Seoul, South Korea. The first Mud Festival was staged in 1998 and, by 2007, the festival attracted 2.2 million visitors to Boryeong.The mud is taken from the Boryeong mud flats, and trucked to the Daecheon beach area, where it is used as the centrepiece of the 'Mud Experience Land'. The mud is considered rich in minerals and used to manufacture cosmetics. The festival was originally conceived as a marketing vehicle for Boryeong mud cosmetics.Although the festival takes place over a period of around two weeks, it is most famous for its final weekend, which is popular with Korea's western population.

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Ahh no! Don’t leave this on fron page! People will think we are unfrenly and racismo!


I have a pretty one with stars and glitter in it my daddy got me for my birthday it smells like vanilla :) he's the best dad ever in the world (To me no shade to all your great dad's frens :))

I'm happy you have a great dad fren

Remember to make him proud

I try to I don't know that I do as well as my older and younger sister in actually being successful and making him proud but I take care of my mom and I spend time with him and love them both very much

I'm sure he cherishes the time you spend together

I definitely do :)

Friend (hard d) is our word, but you can say fren

Gotta keep that skin healthy, fren. And don't forget the sunblock.


Jesus fucking hell...this the new alt-right dog whistle ?

nice fren, do you wear it in public?
