Incubating some chiggens, planted crops, and got my bees prepared for spring. Can't wait to share the harvest with all my frens.

226  2019-04-29 by SquawkIFR


Thats very cool fren. I like chickens🐔🐔🐔

Chicken fren say “bock bock” haha animal frens are silly silly

Careful on the bees fren, it's easy to mix up n accidental have a bunch of wasp

I have a yellow jacket trap set up near the bees to bop any nonfren insects.

check out /r/homestead fren

i like eggs

You on 200acres fren? We could use frens like you.

Not until Uncle Sam decides he wants to sell it to me :(

someone else mentioned 200acres, do you mean the size of land or something else?

Very cool, fren! Very glad we’re out of winter!

I’ve been thinking of bee keeping fren. Any tips for a beginner? Good harvests fren!

Start with a langstroth hive before going top bar, so you can start with 4 frame nucs and then split your hives. Be proactive about mites/pests and check your hives often, inspecting the bottom tray for mites and your hive for general health. Mark your queens according to the year they were born and start to grow queens before they die to prevent a swarm. Again, inspect your hives often to look for swarming behaviour and to destroy any unwanted queen cells. Expect and prepare for some winter loss.

Also, don't use too much smoke. Sugar water works just as well and is less hard on the bees. Once you get a feeling for how to deal with your bees you won't even need it.

Probably a dumb question but why do you want to prevent swarms? Loss of too many bees in the process?

yep, I much rather transfer those bees into a new hive because... free bees! They also take about half the population which is a pretty big hit.

We had a hive swarm unbeknownst to us when I was a kid. I was walking under some apple tree and looked up just in time to avoid walking into a swarm hanging off of one of the branches. Good way to get the adrenaline flowing.

Homesteading, fren? Working towards a 1-acre homestead myself.

I prefer 200acres

I saw someone else mention 200acres here... is this a reference to a website or something?

What ya plantin this year, fren?


Does fren like keeping bees? I want to set up a hive, but if they’re super high maintenance then I won’t be able to travel :(

depends on what kind of hive you get, a langstroth hive is more expensive but you don't need to check it as much once you put a "super" ontop. If you want an idea of what a year of beekeeping with multiple hives looks like check out this series.

I have a yellow jacket trap set up near the bees to bop any nonfren insects.