Nam' November 65'. Charlies shot fren.

587  2019-04-29 by _DoggoMeister_


Fren did not survive his wounds, when I returned in 1967 I was diagnosed with PTSD and got treatment for 2 years. I miss my frien.

Im sorry to hear this fren.

May your fren live forever in your heart

This is why you should never join the military frens, rich and powerful non-frens don’t send their kids to die in foreign lands, why should you not do the same? Why bring unnecessary sadness to your parents?

Me and fren was conscripted, no other choice :(

Would you have joined willingly if there was no conscription?

If nonfrens attack homeland then I say yes, have to defend familyfrens. Wars of aggression are nonfrenly.

Honestly, System of a Down nailed it.

"Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?"

How else do we get combat training fren?

I'm doing it for job security and free college. Not everyone is on the battlefield, fren.

Some frens are born, made to wave the flag, ooh the flag of frenworld

Fren't me, Fren't me

I ainno senator's freeeeeeen

Fren't me fren't me I ainno Fortunate fren nookk

Back then our brave young men were sent to die fighting communists on the other side of the globe.... whilst our culture and institutions were subverted and infiltrated by communists at home.

Now our brave young men are sent to die fighting brown people on the other side of the planet.... while the gates are held open for brown people to take the fruits of our labour and the lands of our ancestors. ("We will fight them over there so we do not have to face them" my ass)

The more things change the more they stay the same

Kill yourself Nazi fuck

Nonfrens in the trees!

I remember... oh how horrible bad nonfrens shoot us, friens never see them frens never hear them

Jim Morrison’s father was the commander of the gulf of Tonkin