3 million page-views is big frenly! Can't stop, won't stop!

2581  2019-04-29 by SergeiSuvorov


I jus found frenworld and I am complete in luv. Pls keep boppin the clowns so frens can live on forever

Fren pride worldwide

Spread the frenliness!


I absolutely wholeheartedly agree with this. 👌🌈.

Thanks for saying that fren! You got it. I think we need to ‘fight back’ with frenliness and hugs.

I'm so happy for us, frens.

yay we are breaking the conditioning frens.

Frens, according to my calculations you all deserve hugs :o)

U 2 fren hoogs

Beep boop beep boop beeep... sccchrrerrrrr beeeep bwooomp beeep bwoomp

The calculations are correct, fren. Hugs for all of you

thanks for the calculations fren

its cause for joy frens!

We frenly !!

Das right

Let's show them wat this community is all bout, it about making frens

Recent frenly lurker here. Wholesome fun is ❤.

Frenworld is worldwide

what is contest mode for comments frens?

Randomizes sorting and hides score fren :)

Aw thanks fren!

Yayyyy frens

Frens Always Wins

We’ve come so far from those early days my frens

Frens, I want to make some money, how do I long frenworld?

you could always suck some dick i guess or maybe set up an advice booth

My knee pads are broken fren, what now?

I hear there are plenty of clown openings!


Are you a clown fren? I dont like clowns, SCARY CLOWN GO AWAY!

Don't be afraid, clowns are frens too

Reported for treason talk, spy fren.


No clowns - we just want to be frenly!


Despite being 13% of the population, clowns committee more than 50% of the bops!

13% of frens are responsible for 50% of page views.

the power of friends

Fren power! Fren power!

Well done frens


nice job frens

I was thinking I was doing well before... but having frens has made me realize how much greater I could be with great friends by my side!

Frenliness is accelerating

Thank for making graph read right to left for us hebrew fren

Frenliness is biggly

Ok sorry for not being in character but why in god's name is it going right to left?

Good question, fren.

Sorry fren you are right :(

brb gonna bop myself

Way to be consistent fren :)

It hurst my head.... does not like



Them's some big numbers, fren

:) very frenly

My frens and I are finally getting popular :)))

What happend in April? Start of the subreddit?

The banning of CA



Uhuh uhuh tss

I’m confused fren. Can someone explain

Read right to left fren

Sorry frens, I think a clown snuck in while I was in the loo, and switched the graph right to left!

Dam clowns, messing with my data! "Go away clowns" I say, I'm tryin to be frenly here!

Right to left is the professional way fren; like business financials

I just want to do what's best for my frens 🤗

Why is everyone hating on this subreddit? I just came here for funny pictures of frogs and people talking about their life. What's going on?

Thanks for the laugh fren

They think everyone's a notsee, fren. They live to hate and bop notsees, but there are no notsees, so they find whoever, call them names, and try to bop them. Naughty, naughty nonfrens.

That's why we need frenworld. For frens only. No nonfrens, and no clowns.


Never stop never stopping fren.


YAY!! wooohooo!

Urge to fren intensifies.

gotta be careful frens. I'm sure many of the views are from frens but there will also be nonfrens seeking to bop our little home. Modfrens gotta be on the lookout

Blackpill - Nihilism = Honkpill


I don’t like where I think this is going fren :(

Guess we will have to see!



Yay good job, fren

Good work frens

Found this place on r/againsthatesubs I like to lurk there to find fun frens

the way that data is presented makes me feel so uncomfortable

Randomizes sorting and hides score fren :)