Fuck You All

0  2019-04-29 by wubbalubadub469

You are a conglomerate of psychopaths that needs to be put down.


Chapo nonfren prepare for bop

Y you think us frens are psychopaths nonfren?

They think the way we talk is code for very unfrenly stuff.


So basically their brains are honked?

Pretty much.

you have no power here nonfren

I, too, love Rick and Morty.

Leave my frens alone

Why do non frens have to be so salty to us frens? We are over here with open arms and frenly hugs while they bark at us and just attack.

hello yikes department? I'd like to file a claim

Let's unpack this sweaty


Well you’re certainly not frenly.

not very frenly is he?

Oh look a brigade from AHS. Will the admins care about this brigade AND call for violence? Nope...

Get out of here non-fren. If you don't like whats on this sub, go to a different one.


found the nonfren

You are not a fren.



That's not very frenly of you



Go get bopped clown!


Big bop!!!🅱️🅾️P

op is nonfren, request bop

HAHAHA 🏳️‍🌈🤡✡️👍🏿🌎

Cuck nonfren. Bop.

Fuck off commie

You are not far from us fren “People need to start fighting this on a larger scale. Fuck those pigs, they are not a protected class of citizens.” And yet we are the nazis


Non fren is a commie but thinks were psychophats...

u mad

Shut up you incel pussy lol


Don' worry frens commie virgin insults can't hurt us when we have each other's backs

Nonfren detected. Deploying BOP!


How are we bad? And actually bring evidence don't just start throwing words and insults.