I got featured on topmindsofReddit by some nonfrens for a comment posted almost 2 months ago. Pretty neat, huh?

48  2019-04-28 by startselect3


Good job... idk why no one like fren

Nosefrens are not frens at all

nonfrens want to see us suffer. they are like the SCARY EVIL IT CLOWN. stay safe, fren.

Denying the holocaust unironiclly is bad my fren

I didn't deny anything. Should it be illegal to say that I think there are inconsistencies?

No, we must not silence free speech but become educated ourselves my fren

Low IQ man coming in but why would someone want to lie about the holocaust? What would it achieve?

Why would a group of people fudge numbers on a historic event to make it look like it was way worse than it was? There is so much money into making sure we know that event happened while there were events where much more people were killed that many people don't even know about; like the Holodomor.

Thank you for replying but I don't think I understand. The people releasing the information about the holocaust made it seem worse to overshadow some other atrocities?

They make it seem worse on top of putting large amounts of money to make it more visible. Some school literally have holocaust classes that are dedicated to learning about it. Almost every major city has a holocaust museum.

Why? For what cause? There has been historical evidence tampered with, I am not going to deny that, but they always had something to gain from doing so.

As a shield. You literally can't say that Israeli's brutality towards Palestinians crosses the line without being called an anti-semite. You can't say that we shouldn't be giving Israel billions in taxpayer funded aid every single year without being called an anti-semite. Almost every time the U.N. addresses Israeli's human rights violations against Palestinians, almost every single nation condemns their actions except the U.S., which has the most propaganda pushed on the average citizen to absolutely make sure they know about an event 70 years ago.

The Holocaust is one of the most well-documented events in WW2, form both the Nazis and Allied forces.

It's one of the first topics you learn in History Class, you probably weren't paying attention, or you're very young and haven't reached that far yet.

Thankfully there's many different sources, videos, pages and books based off of the event for your reading.

Holocaust Denialism, which has no factual evidence, is a recruitment tool utilised by Neo-Nazis and Radicals.

Oh cool. I'm a Neo-Nazi now. Nice.

Irrelevant. People should be free to say pretty much anything, even if it's as stupid as Holocaust denial.

No one is denying your freedom to say stupid shit, they are questioning why you would say THAT stupid shit. If your first defense when someone calls you out is ‘I have the right to say this’ you are saying that there’s nothing redeemable about your opinion/idea, just that it can exist. If free speech worries you that much then let others make use of it to engage with these ideas.


I get into argument with non frens who say we are no nazis. We welcome all frens!

Go get them, fren!

how wold they even be able to get enough cream?

not to mention powdering that much crust

Someone reported it as targeted harassment of them? I'm the one they included.

Why would a group of people fudge numbers on a historic event to make it look like it was way worse than it was? There is so much money into making sure we know that event happened while there were events where much more people were killed that many people don't even know about; like the Holodomor.

They make it seem worse on top of putting large amounts of money to make it more visible. Some school literally have holocaust classes that are dedicated to learning about it. Almost every major city has a holocaust museum.

Irrelevant. People should be free to say pretty much anything, even if it's as stupid as Holocaust denial.
