How nonfrens trying to be frens be looking like

234  2019-04-28 by bigmactv


They’re all over the place.

We're everywhere

Honk honk



It's just non-frens trying to stop new non-frens from becoming frens.

Fake news propaganda. Real non frens look like liberals.

That's not a very fren way to talk fren

Frens don't bring politics into frenliness >:(

None fren detected

Is not against rules fren, now I see it upset some frens I will do no more. Sorry fren.

Honklers only want to be frens with you all, the nonfren admins are bopping them.

Honklers want to be frens. They take many boos and will take bops for frens

Too true fren

What's wrong with honkler?

We honk for diversity and inclusion! Honk with us frens :°D

clown frens are frens too.