Look at this horrifying fascistic trash. This. Shit. Radicalizes. People.

63  2019-04-28 by FoxDieEeE


Tru tru

I'm literally shaking rn

you guys all racists right? weird


I wish the non-frens would just mind their own business and let us be frenly in peace!

He's just a boy, he ain't done nothin.

*radicalism intensifies*

Alright so no questions asked, we need to shut this down and perma ban / dox anybody who looks at or share this image. That way the radicalization will stop.

Thanks new Zealand, very cool

/> logic

/> libitard

Pick one


> logic

> libitard

Pick one

Could be both. At the very least, TMOR is stupid. And hatefuo. Only nonfrens there.

I found this place from the top cucks of reddit suggestion. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Thanks new Zealand, very cool