Help i bopped a nonfren clown what do i do now?

34  2019-04-28 by xCake420


Burry him in the front yard fren.

Ok fren

How did you go fren?

Its buried

Out the front like I said fren?


Get rid of the witnesses too fren

Ok fren

Put him on a cross, upside down.

Okay fren

Find a pig farm or some Sodium Hydroxide to melt the body cartoon. Just make sure to dispose of your clothing properly after.

Sounds interesting

Sir you’re under arrest for the murder of a Clown World citizen

running away

Wash your hands. Do you live near a large body of water, fren?

Yes i do, actually by a really huge lake

Excellent. Obtain concrete blocks and tendies to give you strength. You've already bopped the hard part.

Okay fren

I think if you string him up in a tree and send a message to other nonfrens?

Sounds interesting