frens, i'm a new fren that found this place by accident. Do I belong here? i don't undetstand any of the drama happening. I so lost

13  2019-04-28 by PersistantBlade


as long as you're frenly you belong here with us fren. frenliness > drama, love your fellow frens and pay no mind to the nonfrens trying to slander us. they're just jealous of us because they never learned frenship. it's very sad but i would still be their fren if they were frenly back to me

you get what you give, new fren. frenliness is next to godliness.

Well said Fren.

You seem very frenly and I think if you spend some time here you will become a fren!

I also feel lost fren. I just wanted to play videogames with my frens.