Refugees Welcome?! Soon demise....

0  2019-04-28 by Ser_Dunk_The_Drunk


The first one seems like something a nonfren would say. You hurt frens with your actions.

I do not like political messages fren

Non fren alert!

Nonfrens never want to assimilate, fren. They must be bopped back to the third world.


:( all frens welcome here

\ in front of some characters makes reddit formatting ignore them

\> will result in


you aren’t accepting frens?

I am, but this site doesn’t like frens

Frenworld doesn’t like frens? But I thought we frenly

Outside of fren world

But you weren’t in fren world before you came to fren world

As far as you know my fren


frenworld doesn’t need politics fren

Non fren! Alert!

We need to build the fren wall to protect us.

Exactly fren!