Alone at my senior prom tonight frens, not even with a group of irl frens, a real sad night tonight.

1  2019-04-28 by St1ng48


They wont even matter in a few years anyway fren, keep you're head up.

Thanks fren. I really wish I could. Times are looking a bit dark everywhere fren.

The best thing about the darkness fren is that when it gets better you really feel it get out there tonight and make some new friends

Shit sorry to break character but man you are absolutely right. Shit I needed that.

Fuck character, you have fun I missed mine for work have fun while you can.

Thanks for the slap in the face (the good hearted kind, not the mean spirited type), now I just gotta get my shit together and get out there. Hopefully I can stay off here for the rest of the evening.

I've gone thru some hard times in my life. Hard AF. And this will sound dumb maybe, but... In order for those good times that are coming to feel really good, you have to have something to compare it to so you realize how wonderfully they are. Bad times help you grow character and strength, and give you a solid base for graciousness and gratefulness when dawn finally hits.

I'm so very sorry you're having a rough night. Everyone is right tho, this shit doesn't last. I promise.

I know it doesnt. It's over and I already feel way better.

You'd be amazed at how insignificant this moment will be years later fren. I feel for you tonight but keep on being frenly, this won't hurt when you enjoyin the summer vacation. Good luck fren. I believe in you

This is seriously a minor blip in the course of your life. I know it seems huge and important now....but it's not. Focus on the next thing, how to get yourself ready for real life.

Get job. Go to university. Take /r/TheFrenPill

Fren I made sure I had a date and group for every dance, and that didn’t make it fun (just made it so there was more chances for me to get sexually harassed)☹️Later in life you’ll realize how lame this kind of stuff is, and it totally doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re a good person and have 30,000+ frens here who love you unconditionally. I love you fren

I love you too fren ❤️

I never went because this could have happened to me. High school is worse than college in the way that everyone has their own clique and it’s harder to socialize. Good luck fren.

I never went to pron because I never had frens

Welcome to the club fren. Happy cake day!

Dawm sorry dude. Ask random woman who are y themselves to dance 1 is hound to say yes .

Soon highschool will be a distant memory fren, just dance the night away like you dont give a flippin bop. C:

Start lifting and watching your macros and get shredded brah. Lift for your health, mental health and for that ego baby. You'll have a girl in no time. Be wild. Your only young once my bro. Hit the gym hard and it will get better. Enjoy highschool bro. It's free education .

Thanks brofren. I actually spent some time last night looking for gyms, come monday I'm gonna go for it.

Bro siiiiiick. I think I started lifting senior year too and god this year is about to change your life if you want it too. I'm exited for you and with you the best of luck. Rememember. Eat alot of semi decent food. Lift hard . Get your cardio and water in. Stay hydrated dude.

Already was subbed to r/waterniggas before it got beaned, so hydration is gonna be ez

never even thought about prom

Proms aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Spend some time doing something you like or researching some cool stuff, or get some sleep.

New days bring new opportunities.

I wish I did this instead fren. At least I got the courage to talk to this girl after we had a big fight a few months ago, now Im trying to be friends again and it seems that she'll give me another chance.

Prom is retarded lol. I went Junior and senior year with my now almost wife and it was boring as fuck. 3 hours listening to shitty pop music. Cool cool.

It'll be ok fren

Thanks fren, hopefully I'll make it through these next few days and I'll completely forget about it soon enough.

There's always frens to help you through

This'll pass and fade. Probably shouldn't have gone with no plan or companions, though. If you got ditched, fuck those guys.

My sister and a few of my old friends were there, but we've had a bit of a falling out so they didn't talk. I did manage to talk to one of said friends for a bit after tho, so that's something nice that happened. Who really can go fuck themselves was this girl that I was going to go take to see endgame who ditched me quite literally 12 hours before, so I rushed to get my shit together for that prom, which was almost a complete waste of time.

What a drag :(

You probably should've bagged the prom before it started. You get to see Endgame?

Thankfully I was smart and as soon as she canceled, I changed the tickets that I bought to the soonest show I could, then grabbed a buddy of mine and watched it. 10/10, am seeing again tonight.

Right on, good recovery. Good luck out there.


Should've stayed at home and played video games

Hindsight 20/20