What is fren world?

12  2019-04-28 by otis_tobin

Hi there, I’m not using fren speak for this post as I want an answer that I can understand. Is this a hate sub? I’ve seen a lot of posts saying this seemingly wholesome sub is a boiling pot for racism and other “isms”. Does anybody know why they think you guys are a hate group? I find this subreddit really wholesome and frenly. Also the please answer in normal speak please. Thanks.


Guess this sub would be guilty of friendlyism.

Who says this is a hate group?

Against hate Reddit's, antifastonetoss and other "PC" subs like that

They're not PC subs at all, they're literally fascists disguising themselves to be "nice"

I guess

Oh. I don't follow them. I'm just here for the LOLs.

I follow them, but I don’t really engage

Well see you around then fren

So you do know how you got here


Us frens just wanna be frenly to our frens. That all


Inded fren.

We frenly :) Dunno what the fuss is about

I think people think Pepe is a hate symbol for no reason

What a ridiculous proposition... if that's the case then Twitch.tv is a cesspool of hate groups



You can keep ur hate sub garbage outta here, fren. We are here to be frenly, not hateful. Go on r/politics or r/Democrat for that

I’m not saying that this is a hate sub. I actually think it’s quite nice and I’ve just seen some propaganda saying that the sub is bad.

Yeah. People seem to hate on our frendliness.

It’s fucking annoying.

They're despicable.

I dont necessarily hate clowns and non frens, I just love my frens.

why would you trust nonfrens in other subs, fren

Were a comfy little group who helps each other feel better with comfy messages.

Trust what your eyes tell you. Does this feel like a hatesub? Would you have been comfortable here this whole time if it was?

We just want one place to be Frenly.

This feels like a cult fren

We are a support sub for frens. No hate here. All frens are welcome here.

It’s ironic that the frenliest, nicest place on reddit would be accused of hate when we all know more than 50% of bops come from the 13% of the population that honks.


Where is apu i dont see him :(

Every thing is a hate symbol for the lefts echo chamber. Just be frenly and have fun with other frens here

I saw a post this morning about this sub being full of holocaust deniers, is this true?

No fren those are the honkers

Been looking around here myself, trying to figure out why people are against this sub. My advice, don’t listen to what anyone else says about this sub, including the people here. Look at what’s posted here and make your own conclusion. Think I’be figures out what this sub is, so, yeah. You should do the same


I've been a lurker on this sub for a while now, and I personally don't think it's a hate sub. There is the occasional far right post that will elicit a yikes, but they are the vast minority. 90% of the time it's just wholesome.


if you want to make frens, you’ve come to the right place. if you’ve come for politics, racism, whatever else, you’re not in the right place.
