Frens im scared why do all the good subs have to go

470  2019-04-27 by cuckgoat


Don’t be sad that they’re gone, be happy that it happened

Fren i dont wanna lose you guys . I dont see the point in the angainst the hate reddit makes me very angry .

R/frenworld is a safe space until they find us. We’ll always be frens, even if we get bopped and go to the afterlife (voat)

I just got here from /r/popular. ..

RIP newfrenz

I think the minecraft server is a good rally point for fren's next incarnation.

I hope its on xboner cause my mom does not let me kn her computer

We dont break rules so you don't have to be scared.

You guys do a good job but if you looked at the cross post they were going over all this crazy shit that isnt what happens here . I feel my worst fear are being realized with all clowns saying all these mean things .

don't worry fren

It's fine man. They strike one down, and ten more take it's place. We will thrive anyway.

I know but i feel bad for all frens that spent all this time to build a sub only for a couple non frens to see one image and destroy us all

Yeah fren, i think reddit itself is the problem though. Always trying to please the majority, which hurts the little guy. I miss the days when it was all free...

I been here for a year and i see whats going and it makes me sad fren . I feel that free speech on this site is a joke

I think it will be on any site with ads. Because if the advertisers see something they don't like, they just pull out and the entire website gets fucked.

I think the problem is the common view that somehow the right is all big bad while the radical left is some angel. We need to change this by never breaking the law or committing violence.

I would consider my self left leaning but the community on this site is not frendly . Especially with the acquisition by tencent and then the debacle with tianmwn square on r/photos

Ok, not many left leaning people here. Kudos for not being afraid of the mods. I'm liberal conservative myself, so not quite the main point of hatred on this side, but i certainly get my share of hatred.

I'd have to agree that this whole site isn't very frenly. So many agendas being pushed. Like have you ever tried posting anything other than mainstream liberal (us meaning) things on political humor? Shit gets downvoted before it's even posted.

Idk to think that people use this site for anything but hobbies and memes boggles my mind everything here is not frenly to other opinions

It's not about the leaning or advertising. It's about non frens being non frens. We are supposed to be a community of happiness frenship and tendies


It’s not really the ads, but that’s the excuse that the non-frens conspiracy likes to use. There is a different goal, with the 2020 election being the next phase.

The good times, the bad times… we’ll be on each other’s sides for ever more.

And remember frens: sort by controversial.

Its okay fren we’re all here for you! <3

I hope we all stay together

What sub got banned or what happened, fren?





Don’t worry fren we’re still here for u!

I know fren its just not frenly what people are doing

Look at the brightside, at least if its banned the normies will never be able get to it and turn it to shit.

It might get stale and the more frens the better

Cumskins need to die


"Portland" lol




Bring back r/waterniggas

Why was it quarantined

Cuz the title says niggas :(

Thats it

Yeah, another sub called hydrohomies was created to replace it and the admins are fine with it bcuz granted, it's literally a sub about drinking water

It makes me angry fren

I am defending all frens. Don't worry. It'll be worth the downvotes I get in the next 2 minutes.

Fren ill defend you

We stand united fren

I know fren

Thank you, u/cuckgoat

Sad fren noises

Christ man, just cause you're all alone in life doesn't mean you have to take out your anger on others. You could just have your balls drop and do something.


You're hurt inside fren. It will be okay.


"Portland" lol