Trying to figure out why nonfrens want to ban us.

2651  2019-04-27 by Bowlffalo_Soulja


They don’t like the honks fren


Frens don't like honks either. Only the clowns does.

nonfrens are bullies, fren.

Bullies back down


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the top posts of all time!

#1: Totally fell for this | 52 comments
#2: Damn right I will | 49 comments
#3: Damn, I would love to see /r/heactuallyanswered be real... | 97 comments

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Someone should make it ;)


They think our good fren Pepe is bad because some bad people use him, but most Pepe’s are good Frens

Reeee his name is Apu.

Isn't this one's name helper? Or is sidebar wrong

Both Apu and helper are correct.

Apu is Finnish for "help".

sooo Apuper?

Well the full name is Apu Apustaja which supposedly translates to "help helper", although I think "apustaja" is a mistake because nothing translates it (but "avustaja" and "apulainen" translate to "helper").

Us frens shall stick together

Not pepe! Is helper!

Non frens downvoting me for saying tha truf in the poltics. Non frens v mean someteims they click bad for good things and good for bad things. Halp fren

You will be good k fren. We all will. Frens unite !

Doggo speak.

Don't do it again.

(OOC) this rule is somewhat ambiguous. Would posts with titles like this now be considered "doggo speak"?

I'm just going to bop you for being too stupid to be here.


Is "fren" not literally doggo speak?

It's different when we do it

Fren is our word!


Are you not literally about to be bopped?

Pls no bop

Mod: speaks

This sub: dick sucking noises

I mean, something something fren

Poster: *breaks a rule*

Moderator: *Bop!*


There is no "in-character" or "out of character."

This isn't an RP subreddit.

These are different equations from the original of this meme with the lady. Make sure to learn your maths so you can ace all your tests frens

What's the original meme?

Thanks for reminding me to study for AP physics fren

Great luck fren, I am a high scholar like you too and I will be taking it next year as a Junior!

sounds like a bitch... i got apush and ap psych :(

I’ve got Lang and physics, can’t wait

Ah frens, I got Apush, AP physics, AP computer science and AP calculus. I'm going to be bopped very hard in a week.

Just wait for AP-C fren that's a doozy

Nonfrens are jealous of frens having frens. Jealousy leads to them wanting to bop frens. sad.

what's the square root of bop frens?

sqrt(bop) = bop1/2 this is simplified to bop/2 bop/2 = HONK HONK therefore, sqrt(bop) = HONK HONK

Despite being only 13% of the population nonfrends are responsible for 50% of the bullying

Good meme fren





We did it, frens!

what you want fren?


Oh, this is why


That's quite the username

Why would this be the reason fren?

This is why

Why is that?

Dogwhistling for race, implying black people are dangerous.

Memeing national crime statistics is a dog whistle? I just tried yelling it outside and my doggo didn't come to me. I think /r/topfrensofreddit might have lied to you fren..


Jus resac fren. Thins okay! You never bop alon!

You never bop alon!!!


cause nonfrens don't have frens, fren. the nonfrens are jealous of the frenship of our sub


That's not very frenly :(

Was actually quite depressing :(

They're just jealous fren

Good mafs fren

5Head simple equations

What fren gave OP fren gold? Remember, frens, Reddit is a nonfren.

Glad I’m not the only one who boticed


r/AgainstHateSubreddits is a joke and full of sensitive people. Just ignore them and keep on sending good vibes to one another

Decided to visit, the post made on r/frenworld is just plain bs, title claims things not indicated by what was linked at all, just a refugee fren being a part of another group as well

Hasnt seen that one lmao no the one they linked was just a fren saying how his frens at AC got nuked, and that was enough for them to say we are their backup sub

What do you think of r/honkler? Seems like lots of the posts are not even trying to be subtle about their meaning.

Um you realize these are memes made for fun right? Most people on these subs dont actually believe in these things? In a way they are actually making fun of the people who do by keeping up the "autistic clown frog" persona

Nope, sorry, I believed this in 2015 / '16, but clearly some people begin to buy in to it. Unsavoury elements also hijack these subs with the full intent of spreading an agenda.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Stop spreading lies nonfren

What lies?

Like we cannot say radicalisation hasn't gotten worse since that period. Unless you have something to gain by the way things are going, you'd denounce it...

What radicalisation?

Nothing says fun like Holocaust denial and swastikas

Yeah those memes are pretty funny tbh but hey of its not your kind of humour its perfectly fine, censoring it is wrong though

Debating logistics is hateful.. *honk honk.*

I love the memes here but there are some concerning elements on the sub. I've seen threads (Eg. Honk comment sections) openly advocating anti-semitism.

Just to be clear, most of us are here for the wholesome vibes, right? Or am I missing something darker and deeper 🤔

Or am I missing something darker and deeper

It kinda seems so, yeah

O hello top mind, why dont you go back to your circle jerk nonfren?

Does your mom go by ruthie by any chance

There are some trolls on this sub but I promise you it’s a wholesome sub. Keep scrolling through, you’ll find posts that involve users saying something in the title “Frens, my parents are fighting.” And other sad things or posts like “Frens, I got accepted into a university!”

Do you mind linking where you saw the anti-semitism post(s)?

Those are my favourite, but there's questionable posts here too :(

Take the OP in this one, for example - With a couple of users endorsing his open anti-semitism by saying this sub is the place for it:

I don't want to be a downer either, I love the memes, but we definitely have some radicalised individuals running about. That never ends well :(

This is a sub for peace and frens

Frenworld is a place for frens only.

Sometimes nonfrens and nonfren-baiters come. We need a stronger bop team to keep nonfrens and clowns out.

You did the math, fren

They think we’re meanies when we respect all of our frens! We just like the funny frog man.

Nonfrens see some unfrenly comments on this subreddit and think we're all like that

You know why fren. It okay. We deserve it

look at your skin, sweatie

it's obvious that you're a cis white male


someone quarantine this user before another synagogue explodes

/s or retardation?

lmao I thought it was blatant sarcasm.

Yeah. so would i, if i hadn't talked to people who say even dumber shit than this

It really is getting hard to tell. If I saw my comment out in the wilds of reddit I'd probably assume it was someone's actual opinion.


Probably Chaotic flukes, bui-it's OK don't worry

Fren it don’t addition up

They took our Water Frens! This must stop!

the tards at r/againsthatesubs don't like us and make bs claims about us fren. There's no point to figuring it out since it makes no sense already. Stay safe frens, hopefully the non frens don't get to ban us

it's a post with 4 upvotes and 19 comments. Not much to say here if you look at the amount of people subscribed here. Also, not our fault that people want to immigrate to this sub now is it. So yes, that sub's claims are bs. And that entire sub is filled to the brim with bs, although some claims are true but rarely.

Yes, but of 19 comments, every single one is supportive.

Shift in upvotes is common among controversial posts. Now it’s 6 points.

Sure that is true, but it's what this sub is. Everyone's accepted and no posts here are actual posts where it's only purpose is to spread an ideology. If there is a post like that then point it out, i haven't seen them. Even if a person's part of a specific ideology, it doesn't make them illegible to post anything here. Guess accepting everyone is enough to classify us as a hate sub even though no actual messages were being sent out or spread.

Freedom of speech is one thing. If someone wants to support nazis, who am I to stop them? When literally every comment on a post is in support of nazism for the sake of “accepting everyone”, don’t be surprised that r/againsthatesubs is going to label you guys as a hate sub.

no posts here are actual posts where it's only purpose is to spread an ideology. If there is a post like that then point it out, i haven't seen them.

I just showed you one. The comments are literally “HH”, “This is what the sub’s about“, and “It’s okay fren. I like your uniform fren. Hugs.”. You wouldn’t say this specific post was supporting nazism?

As i said, this sub is about accepting everyone who comes here and the posts main message was immigration, if you get what i mean. And plus, this sub is absolutely filled with ironic and joke posts so you can never know what is ironic and what isn't.

Nazism =/= equal immigration policy. Sure the Nazis had specific policies towards immigration, but I doubt you genuinely believe that post was in regards to Nazi immigration policies.

To the point, assume the joke is centered around pretending to be Nazis (and this is going the fact that sure, some of the posts may be ironic and that those posters themselves may not be sympathetic to nazism irl). Why are people surprised when they pretend to be Nazis among people who may well be actual nazis, and someone thinks they are the real deal?

Cause there jealous

Maybe because of the racism posts

So is this what AHS does?

Because they must be purged fren

Around a nonfren never relax

They will suffer in the eternal flame of hell, fren


Cause Pepe became appropriated by white supremacists. He’s become a symbol and some people see it as a symbol for only that one thing. Think of it like the swastika being a Hindu symbol but turning into something else.

Because half the sub is nazis

Isn't this one's name helper? Or is sidebar wrong