My Crush turned out to be a lesbian frens, I respect it, but my heart hurts a lot frens.

118  2019-04-27 by Sgt-Butter


Frens are helpers, not pepes.

It’s all I had fren

Do better fren

I feel for you fren. You can do it next time, there’s plenty of frens in the sea

Thanks fren

That is the worse, fren :( Stay strong and dun lose hope

There's more ways than sex in which she can still be your fren. The right person for you ain't her. It's you.

Beautiful fren.

Tell her you identify as a ladyfren

That's not very frenly of you - a lesbian fren that firmly prefers ladyparts

Time to ask the doc for a quick lil swap :)

There’s no such thing as lesbians brah. Don’t be fooled.

For real though, every lesbian I've seen has just been in a bad relationship. Either they grow out of it, or they become nonfrens with lots of kittyfrens.

Tell her she can bring her friend, too.