Today is my birthday, frens. As you get older, it feels less and less like a birthday. I don't know how I feel. You can share random feels ITT if you want.

200  2019-04-27 by Mr_Piggens


Happy birthday, fren. Frens shouldn't be sad on their birthday, your frens are here.

Happy birthday fren. Love you

Last time I had a good birthday was when I was 6 fren.

But for my seventh birthday my parents gave me a really special gift that ruined all my birthdays since then, they told me they were going to divorce.

Since then my birthday coincided with the sadest day of my life.

Happy birthday fren

I know how you feels, fren.

My mum was 6 when her father died on Christmas.

Poor fren! have a hug! 🤗

I'm sorry Fren, next bird day we'll make it up to you

i remember feeling really indifferent and disconnected on my birthday growing up, but the past few years i've started taking it as a day to treat and enjoy myself. you should too fren! happy birthday, i hope you have a good one! <3 i brought party horns if you want!

I agree! I was never thrilled by my birthday, but my last one wad fantastic with a good meal with my family and a couple of good friends hung out. It was a blast!

Happy birthday, may you end up with a big smile very quickly :D

it means nothing to me anymore, just another random day, as meaningless as all the other.

Cheer up Fren

Happy birthday fren!!!!

Happy birthday fren!

Happy birthday fren, life's tough but we're here for you.

Sending frenly Birthday bops your way!


Happy birthday! Stay strong and find happiness from the little things. Wish you good luck, fren!

Be happy fren! Happy birthday!

My grandpa passed away from cancer one month before my cake day,he was like a father to me, he was my partner for 16 years and suddenly, in 3 months, that damn disease took him away from me, i miss him everyday of my life, since that day my birthday means nothing to me, its just empty, 2 months ago i turned 18 i really felt him there, like he was watching me, he used to think that when a boy turns 18 he becomes a man and i felt him there smilig at me being proud of what im becoming and what im going to be, i know his gods are being kindly with him, he deserves it, hope i meet him again someday, somewhere, somehow.

I wish you the best for your upcoming birthday fren there are a lot to come : )

Your cake day? You mean your birthday? Your reddit acc is only 25 days old so u haven’t had a cake day yet

Oh yes fren my birthday i thought cake day means birthday im a bit stupid

It’s ok we all make mistakes

Happy Birthday, fren! I really hope everything goes well in your life and that you live content.

I know exactly how you feel fren, I haven't had a good birthday in years

feelsbirthdayman !! hav some of my cake fren

Apu never changes his clothes i hope that he has different clothes so he can not be stinky :D

Thank you to all of the frens that responded and wished me a happy birthday. I have read all of your comments, and hope to do the same for all of you in the future. I am doing OK now; I had a fairly nice birthday. I'm the same fren whose father has kidney issues, so I'll celebrate with my family when he gets out in a day or two.