Frens, I just discovered my crush loves somebody else

243  2019-04-26 by UberFriz


I don't know what to do : I was chatting with her about stuff and unexpectedly she sent a screenshot of a chat with a girl (my crush is bi female, I'm male) and asked if she liked her. I gave a vague answer and then shut Whatsapp off and cried a lot.

It's okay fren, rejection is a part of everyone's life, you will find your love one day, I believe in you, fren!

Pm me if you need counting fren

That sucks fren, but from how you worded it it doesn’t sound like a full rejection. Keep being a good fren to your unrequited love. Who knows, maybe feelings will change.

Sorry friend. It's hard and it sucks, but remember a crush isn't love, it's infatuation. You'll find someone to love, it just won't be her.

Sorry to hear that fren. Remember that your frens will always love you.

Its okay. We're here fren

You will find someone better fren

Life is full of rejection fren. We have to keep moving forward.

Fren, your future wife is out in the great wide world and little does she know you are her future love. Remember that fren.

I've been there fren. You deserve someone better, and if they don't see that you're an incredible person, then they're not worth your time. We're here for u and we luv u fren

Her loss she’s missing out on a true fren

Same shit happened to me a few weeks ago fren, I still can't stop thinking about her. I hope we can move on from them fren. I'm here for you.

happened to me too fren

The heart has its reasons that reason cannot know. You're not her type, just move on fren.

Ay fren, same exact thing happened with me. Turns out she was lesbian

Still talking to her as a friend, acting day to day.

Fren you deserve someone who actually loves you.

It hurts fren, but the pain will go away and you’ll find someone just for your frenly self.

F fren, we lobe you much fren

I’ve been in the same situation too fren. You’ll feel better soon fren since time heals all wounds

It okay fren. She won’t be the only one

Don’t worry fren you will find someone

Don't worry fren, you will find someone better who will have a crush on you

It’s okay fren, we’re here for you

It’s okay fren. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t worth it.

Seek love from no one but yourself fren,you are your worst enemy yet also best ally fren