come with my lil frens i will show you the way

66  2019-04-26 by Ibiss8


Fancy outfit fren. Where are you taking us?

To clown world, the honk* honk* must be destroyed. The horn must be destroyed

Sounds dangerous, fren.

I know fren but remember: if in doubt always follow the tendies

help me! i cant see any tendies to follow fren

can i pick some flowers on the way fren?

That is also the purpose of this journey. Connect with nature my fren!

i'll make you a flower crown!

So nice of you! But remember for each flower you pick we must plant another three yay!

sees frens in distance hello frens! want to join helper quest and find more frens with me?

Show me de way

Am too late fren? Can still come?

a fren is never late nor is he early he arrives precisely when he means to

Thank fren