Henlo frens! Long time Lurkerfren here, radicalized by nonfren admins to say hi!

173  2019-04-26 by Honk_Frenler


Admins are nonfrens fren

Bad weather out there today fren, best to stay safe and sound inside with us.

Fren turn around and look out side your window!

Just a fren about to get enriched nothing to see here

Can’t wait we save him fren?

woah fren, what's going on outside your window?

cultural enrichment fren. but if its enriching then why is everything worse after?

stop asking questions and enjoy the spicy food, fren

Only our game stations will protect us from the clownery frens 🤡 Stay asleep 😴

I see your name fren. You are a honkler

No fren is a frenler

Clowns are fens too