Frens idek what's going on but this non fren messaged me like frenworld is not good n I was like oh no maybe and then they were like FRENWORLD V BAD but I was like hmm I see people being good frens tho, I kinda laughing at it all now

29  2019-04-26 by shatteredegg


Why would anyone build swimming pools and dentist offices inside "death camps", frens? I am confuse

How did the gas not escape the wooden doors? And why do the numbers change? Fren, we will never know

Why would you use a delousing agent to kill people when you already had huge stockpiles of chlorine and phosgene gas? It doesn't make any sense, fren!


why would you unload the train cars when you have chambers desinged to delouse entire train cars without having to remove them from the tracks?


They weren’t death camps they were work camps. Death was just an unintended side effect. Even auschwitz, the most infamous labor camp, and still had people working it. They only gassed towards the end of the war because it saved on resources.

(USSR did this as well. The only difference is they didn’t use gun. Mass graves still existed due to their killing though)


How did the gas not escape the wooden doors? And why do the numbers change? Fren, we will never know

They weren’t death camps they were work camps. Death was just an unintended side effect. Even auschwitz, the most infamous labor camp, and still had people working it. They only gassed towards the end of the war because it saved on resources.

(USSR did this as well. The only difference is they didn’t use gun. Mass graves still existed due to their killing though)