I am berry smrt frens!

2275  2019-04-26 by S0NNENRADICAL


Look at how big your brain is, fren! You must be berry smart

Smart fren

Cute fren

Run! He is smart now! Like those sharks from that movie where they ate Samuel Jackson but froggier!


Crunchy on the outside, freny on the inside.

Megamind fren

U so smert fren! Keep it up! Waaaaaay up

yes u are lil pepe u are very smart and if anyone says otherwise pls tell me so i can teach them to be a good fren...by force>:(

very big brain, fren

fren,what is 2 + 2

22, fren


Smar fren

Is it possibl to learn this power?

not from a non-fren

Mkay fren

What did you get on number 4 fren?

Very nice frien... but what’s the capital of Ecuador?

Ecuador City, fren

I wish I could have your cleverness

Smart fren!

You must have studied a lot to make your brain grow this big fren :)

Good job fren! Am proud

Can u help me with my homework fren

Help pls fren, what comes after 9?

0 then - then = then backspace, fren

Big brain, big fren!

Smart is sexy my fren

you must have worked very hard to become smart. Good job, fren

Fren, you are so smar i ould like to listen to your amazing truths!

Fren, can you help with home work?

Fren, What weighs more fren ? 1 kg of feathers or 1 kg of iron fren ?

Is trick question sneaky fren, they both weigh 1 keg

It’s the 1kg of steel fren because steel is heavier than feathers

Pls ask same question but replace steel with gold, silver, or platinum, I have gud answer for you fren

what weighs more fren: 1 keg of feathers or 1 keg of silver? pls help ik that 1kg of steel is more but wut happens with silver

Silver is, fren! Because precious metals are weighed in troy weight, and a troy ounce is more than a regular ounce, etc. Therefore the silver weighs more. See fren, I am bery smrt!

Wow very big brain fren

You have a big frenulum veli, fren.

Yay fren

At what point does this just feel faggy and juvenile?

When your mom feels tight again, fren :o)

Im proud fren! So smart!

Mmm berries

Fren, ur taller, pls go get the cookies


Good eye for detail fren. Love the buttons.

What’s the largest ocean fren?

Fren, I habe test tomoro can frens make me smar?

Big brain fren

You are smarter then me fren!

Fren maybe you can figure out why despite being only 13% of the population nonfrens commit 52% of all murder

Small frontal lobes and less evolution, fren!

then explain your retardedness

he is a berry smart fren, did you not see his portrait?

shut up retard


Not less fren, just different. Brain is the most energy consuming organ after all. More evolution doesn't necessitate more intelligence.

Hold up

Dude idk about this, if we wanna keep this sub, we probably shouldn’t say stuff like this.

Hiding the truth is not frenly

Its a simple statistic. Statistics only scare nonfrenly people

Screw that

True frens tell the truth.


I remember when Nazis actually stood for something in the 1930s instead of hiding behind pussy cutespeak because they are “too afraid to get banned from Reddit”.

Fucking lol.

Even the Nazis are pussies in 2019. Jesus fuck this plant is doomed.

You need a fren?