Hello fren...just checking in fren...you can go back to sleep. I love you fren

1619  2019-04-26 by RonaldBump98


What is dead does not need sleep, fren

Oh dear fren

It's okay fren, if you need to talk we're here for you!

Big spooky there modfren.

Your not ded to us fren

You're a really good fren, love you fren

Wow fren I could barley see you fren. Good night fren

Careful fren you could scare other frens

Quite a jolly scare there fren

No need to check on me it is daylight here fren

It's forever dati in too many places fren

I actually did wake up and couldnt sleep and i read this and went back to sleep, thanks fren. Life is hard sometimes for a simple helper

I love you fren

If if if you're asleep fren how u typin....

i woke up early this morning from a bad dream, i went to sleep again but i woke up again fren is okay

If you have trouble sleeping fren, try listening to a podcast, it will help drown negative thoughts and make you relax. Sweet dreams fren!

Thats my Post Fren :(

Luv u too fren <3

this is the kind of fren posts I like

thank u fren. i feel safe now fren.

Thank you fren i apprecat

Sleep paralysis fren

I appreciate the gesture fren but please do not disturb my natural sleep cycle so that I may feel well rested when I awaken at the time I need to

Thank you fren, goodnight fren.

hey, im sad tonight

Why is fren sad? :(

you know how it be, fren :/

I’m sorry fren :’( Just know you have 30,000+ frens here in frenworld

This is the best post ever

Love u fren

/unfren wow this image genuinely both scares me and makes me smile

Fren I was sleep did not see u

Thanks fren. I have insomnia and that really helped.

Hey, hey you fuck. I fucking love you too fren, have a wonderful fucking daynight pal.

fren, that language is nonfrenly

Shit your fucking mouth. I fucking love you. Maybe a little drunk but I still love your existence fren

I love you too, fren, but we must hide from the nonfrens to secure the existence of frenkind and a future for minifrens

Hell yeah

wow thank u thats so kind of u fren

Luv you too fren. Give me karma so I can shit post again, Reddit admins non frens banned my 30th account

Fren, I love you. But I can’t support you if you’re going to be unfrenly to my other frens🥺

Thanks for your vigilance, fren!

if you are in for the frenshipping, feel right at home and take a seat on the best chair, because you have finally come to right place, my fren.

hi late fren :)

dont take my blanket away fren i love you too fren thx
