Frens, with all these refugees, we need to be vigilant. I hear they’re not sending their best. They’re sending clowns, nonfrens, and some, I assume, are frens, but we need to be vigilant. BOP ALL THOSE INVOLVED IN UNFRENLY ACTIVITY.

422  2019-04-26 by ChuckyIves


I’m NOT trying to be unfrenly. Tough decisions like these are what make Frenworld great. We have the BEST frens working day and night to ensure all nonfrens get bopped. KEEP FRENWORLD GREAT!!!

Agreed MFGA fren

Where you see non-friends, clowns and such, I see frens, mega-frens, ultra-frens. Doctors and engineers.

Can you tell the clowns to get aside so we can also see them fren?

Excuse me fren, don't be xenophobic. Calling these mega-frens clowns is not very nice.

I hope you’re being sarcastic fren. Would not want to live in clown world under false pretenses that these clowns are doctors and engineers



True frens will integrate into our frenly culture. Look out for any nonfrens who don't want to learn our language or be frenly to others.

I don’t think they’re assimilating. Look at the sudden rise in non-helper posts.

They need to be bopped and deported.

Hey now we're all frens here fren

Take a deep breath fren

Clowns are not nonfrens Stop hating


Clowns are absolutely nonfrens.

As someone who been here since the founding. I can vouch for frens. All of them are frens.


I am a new fren and I pledge to be a good fren

Give this fren a jacket!

Thank you fren

Why do you feel the need to politicize a wholesome community? Why can't this be just frenworld?

Exactly fren. It got worse since the intervention, it was never really a proper thing earlier

Politicize? I’m talking about ensuring a future for Frenworld and keeping it safe from clowns and nonfrens.

Immigration has always been a hot political topic, fren... And you are promoting the republican point of view, that's what I call politicizing. I would have said the same if someone had tried to pusj in the opposite direction. Frens have to unite, not divide more.

Found the nonfren!!

You must not be aware of how it came to be.

What do you mean? I'm going to ask frenworld president to deport you.

Can we stop with the politics fren? This isn’t a sub for that ,it is a sub for frenly frens being frenly and not dividing opinions.


Those who see the unfren in the fren and the fren in the unfren are intelligent among fren.

Ten feet taller, fren