Dark times are upon us, frens

430  2019-04-25 by ScuffedRomanReigns



Lung Cancer fren?

Can't a frogher even lit a fag in this trying times?

Pretty sure anyone who engages with this subreddit in a positive way has brain cancer, or at least I fucking hope you do


How so, fren?

We lost our home.


We shall pick up our swords and bring the fight once again, fren

The fire rises

CA ban fren?

Frens will rise from the ashes...

Whatever we do here, whatever we create, whatever we achieve, we will die. But cringe anarchy will live on within you. And when there is nothing left of us, then you must hold in your fists the flags that we hoisted out of nothing.

Its time we go out and make the world a better place fren

Remove kelown

That cigarette might make you feel better for a moment but you'll pay for it in time, my fren.

words to live by fren im quitting too thanks

Vape nash fren

My favorite brand of cigarette. Never forget IPCJ

Why fren?