300k of my frens just got honked, do you have room for one more fren?

1944  2019-04-25 by ScuffedRomanReigns


Room for all frens!

300k? Lul u mean 3

i thought you had no alts fren


What did he say


Dammit i dont remember, sorry fren


"300k? Lul u mean 3"


Oh no! I’m sorry for your 3 million frens

3 gorillion*

3 grill

It's ok fren. They have all become anti-racists over on r/GettingRacistsBanned you should go there and join them! ;)


has that sub always been like that or is it being assimilated?

It's new.

aaaand its gone.

fucking hell.

Is it satire? I asked on there and I’m really confused


What sub?

Some parody of /r/againsthatesubreddits

I made a comment there and got one reply. Both are gone without a trace from my inbox and user page.

I guess it got banned already.

Its pathetic

Christ that's cancerous

Its no fren of mine


Frens, GRB is gone now too. Reddit likes racists

Never forget the 300 gorillion cringe anarchists.




Oh anuddah shoah fren

I'm not saying Nazis should kill themselves but I do think that if you killed yourself no one would notice

13 million gone

756 Million

It was 9 gay guys in a roller blading accident. Still a tragedy though.



It was 450 gorillion frens.

Hey fren. I’m happy to see you again.


What are you referring to fren?



Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Bro. Come on.

Sorry lol. Should I delete it?

What was it?

If you want to - I'd rather you help in reporting explicit stuff like that, otherwise this sub will also go the way of the dodo

Alright I will.

What was it? I’m curious, fren, pm me

I am also curious fren!

What was it? Can you PM me it? Was it r/waternwords?

Probably a slur

Was it ca?

Which sub was taken down?

I too wanna know

Anarchy, Cringe

Cringe Anarchy

The mods at /r/4chan also picked this day to do some of their nonfren trickery

Oof didn’t notice it was down.

That’s not so frenli

Those mods are some of the clowniest clowns on Reddit 🤡🌍

hands down, clowns all around

hahaha I unsubbed from them when I heard they had endgame spoilers. now I've watched Endgame and can't join back frens

I was subbed all along and got kicked out. They do this periodically because they are shitty frens and tarded edgelords

They banned me for calling bottomlulz autistic

which is weird, considering he posted a bunch of shit about his diagnosis

Me too!

ha gaaayyy



We wuz Holocausted n' shit

They will pay for this frens!

and never forget after all frens win that the clowns want all friends honked, bopped- their shoes tied together and their ice-cream melted.

No one is truly honked when they live on in frenworld, the frenliest of worlds.

the clowns honked us again fren... never forget the 3 million subscribers purged in the honkabunga.

Oh no

They committed frenocide.

I'm so confused. Seems all the answers to what sub it was are removed.

4chan still there, t_d still there, etc, what got nuked?


I feel like the let's talk about reddit post is what did it. Not even violent. Reddit just can't have such logical dissent that might pill the normies. If anybody has the pasta can you post so I can copy too? Mobile user here...

shhh you sound like a non fren, fren

Thank you fren. I needed one. :D

1350k frens you say?

RIP 6,000,000 frens

Of course we do. How many frens was it?

Did you say 3 gorillian? 7 GORILLIAN???


Wha happen frens?



r/forchan got posed

wait wat fren? r/4chin got unfrended by the admins?


Don't blame the honkers for SJW reddit admin doing.

I was one of those 300k frens, dont worry fren we have room for you here :)

What happen?

frenocide :(

What actually happened?

I can’t find any info on anything so I have no idea what sub was banned or why

Every answer to the “what happened” question seems to be a meme reply

Just be frenly



It’s all over there if you’re interested

Thank you

come here fren

I ain’t trying to be unfrenly or no shit, but them niggas were straight clownin at the end



What happened

Yeah I’m sorry but what the hell is going on? I heard there was some mod fuckery on a bunch of subs too.


Anarchy, cringe.


We are all frens on this blessed day.

All we care aboUt in thiS Subreddit is the LIBERTY of all frens.

We have room for all sorts of allies on this ship.




Life, Liberty, Victory!


Never forget, mod Fren

based mod fren

Based mod fren

Fren I think you are doing bad grammar

Is Frenworld our Promised Land?

We aren’t keeping a low enough profile.

Always room for one more

Honks are friends too though

Honks get the bop too


What happened?

What was it removed? The Jackie Chan of the 4th

  1. This sub is full of hate speech. Boom, ban it.

  2. Eww get out of our sub. All you do is spread hate speech. Make your own shitty sub. Boom, banned from lib sub

  3. Why are you guys in your own sub making hate speech? I'm offended. Ban it

  4. Repeat

They want you dead. This is not hypocrisy. They want your kids brainwashed and raped.

The only thing you're right about is that it's not hypocrisy

If you harvest hate than the only thing you are gonna get in return is hate

You aren't forces by anyone but yourself to hold these beliefs and of course you're still looking for a scapegoat for the source of your problems when all you need to do is take a look in the mirror

You should try a mirror yourself. Nobody elected you the arbiter of what is and isn't hate.

I mean you aren't wrong but

  1. Pretty sure we didn't mention a example of hate speech so yeah you're talking out of your ass, you don't know about my opinions other than I find it ridiculous that people feel like it's others fault that they get banned and that the intention behind it is that "they want you dead ... They want to brainwash your kid and rape them".

  2. if you get banned multiple times and the sub you frequent the most is literally banned from Reddit because it's to toxic yeah call me crazy if you want but if it's quacks like a duck it's probably a duck

> Pretty sure we didn't mention a example of hate speech

Pretty sure they didn't either. They were responding to your "If you harvest hate than the only thing you are gonna get in return is hate".

Welp I tried keep circle jerking into extremism then

You guys seem to live in a bubble where you guys think you aren't the extreme of the spectrum but are lmao

It isn't just Reddit admin it's most of the websites except for the other cesspools

What is unfortunate about the ban is how I won't be able to put it in your face without having to do more research I would like to do in order to prove something you're still gonna deny ( cognitive dissonance is rampant on the whole political spectrum just so you know )

And I've seen what would reach the front page of your sub before the quarantine ( through scrolling deep enough on my phone, it's also why I end up in r/libertarian while not being a libertarian ) and if the content haven't change since then the ban is entirely justified

The whole world is not out to get you guys, there no conspiracy to silence your voices because you guys have the holy truth, we're shutting you down because there's nothing to be gained from letting you have a ground where things like "they are out to get, they are gonna brain wash your kids and rape them" is not only said but defended

Ok, if you want to talk about cognitive dissonance, what do you think about 1350? That seems to be a stumbling block for liberals. Is there anything of value in discussing crime statistics?

How about you use terms that I can understand

What is 1350?

And black crime being higher than white despite being a smaller pourcent of the population can easily be attributed to factors where correlation does imply causation Rampant poverty, maintained by overly severe penalty for crimes like dealing drugs, robbery ( crimes committed mainly by poor people ) and other crimes that absolutely should get jail time but for the US ( minimum one year which is significantly contribute to the significantly to the high prison population you have. 57%#1 of the inmates are in for minimum sentencing ) is insanely disproportionate compared to other developped countries for example Canada ( we also have a problem with a population being overepresented in prison, the autochtones make up 28% of the inmates and 46% of young offenders#2, what do they have in common? rampant poverty and education being out of reach for most of them ) which can go as low as 90 days#3.

You may say, "just don't be a criminal 4Head" But there are numerous case where blacks are wrongly accused and sometimes wrongly jailed ( although this is more a problem that affects the justice system in general, wrongly sentencing people isn't necessarily targeted toward black people but if you are thrown into court at a higher rate you are bound to be wrongly imprisoned at a higher rate, that a subject that should expanded on but I won't I'm already putting to much effort into this, most people are not gonna read it, call me a faggot and move on and there's a risk I get banned because I'm a "non-fren". There's also the desire the already light social net and the lack of good education for them because public school are funded mostly from property tax#4

There are plenty of wholes in my argument because I'm not writing a fucking PhD thesis for a bunch of people who's only response is "Kek"


Before you dismiss all the source because "Wikipedia 4Head", let me inform you of the little number there are next to information. They give you the direct source, so you don't have to trust what Wikipedia is saying you can do all the verification on the aurhors, publication and a hell of a lot of useful information that the author is not some dumbass, you wanna argue you're smarter than PHDs go ahead, but I'm asking you to look at yourselves in the mirror if you do**

1"An Overview of mandatory Minimum Penalties in the Federal Criminal Justice System" -United State Sentencing Commission -2017 Leaded by Acting Chair William H. Pryor, JR. A republican appointed by Bush

2 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_Canada

3 https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Canadian_Criminal_Sentencing/Cases/Robbery



Reddit bans everything that's fun because admin are fags.

if you get banned multiple times and the sub you frequent the most is literally banned from Reddit because it's to toxic yeah call me crazy if you want but if it's quacks like a duck it's probably a duck

So to extend this logic, would you say that if the same people got expelled from 109 countries, it's probably because they are toxic?

Seems like hate speech to me fren

If you get expelled from 109 countries I have no fucking idea what you did but you sure as hell either pissed a lot of people or did something beyond fucked up

Call it whatever you want

To paraphrase someone, I'm judging people based on the content of their character not the color of their skin

If you can't see the difference then go look in the mirror "fren"



Lmao you fucking idiot

How does it feel to be a anti-frenite?

WTF i am reporting you for hate speech, there is no room for anti-semitism here!!!

You're fucking retarded




So what is it? One should change his beliefs - which are partly based on scientific fact by the way - or else? Wtf are you, a religion?

And they think it's funny

Im out too fren. Why did we get honked?

Years of frenlyness deleted :(

Im a survivor of the great honkening, please gib reparation tendies to make up for the 4.5 gazillion



Frens, it's fun, but the non-frens are watching 🤫



Frens I’m a frenugee too can I join you?

Hello fren all frenugees are welcome here!

r/4chan has an endgame spoiler on it now just so y'all know

I'm being deadass btw don't go to it

Deadass? Caring about endgame? Get out man

It's not caring about endgame. It's caring about frens that don't want to be spoiled about endgame.

No fren cares about endgame. You’ve clearly come to the wrong place.

Telling a fren he can't care about something isn't a very frenly thing to do.

I’m going to asume you haven’t been here for long nor know the background of this sub, then.


Oh now I get it

Thanks for the mourning buds

A lot of those frens weren't frenly :(


Keep our matzo friends anonymous fren

Get honked

this is all we have left fren. I am angry too but we need to band together. apart we're one stick but together we become strong. lets shout and make non frens now that WE FRENLY!

They may have won the battle but we will win the war.

Deus vult!

Actually 500k to 600k based on data before the quarantine

That's a lot of frens.

Harboring banned communities is explicitly against sitewide rules, thank God that means this cesspool will get banned too.


Ur no fren. Go commit no breathe

I still hurt😭

There’s a back up sub with 60 subs right now. It’s been alive for almost a year. If you want the name message me

3 billion gazillion!!!


Does anyone else love /r/againsthatesubreddits?

They help me so much by giving me a list of so many new subreddits to subscribe to.

Maybe the real anarchy was the frens we made along the way.

Pour one out for the boys.


What happened, fren?

r/Shuffles_Deck come on over

This title always gets me. 300k of my frens just got honked lmao

Big fat #F for the best sub on this site though

I am also curious fren!