My frens all just vanished, will you be my fren?

692  2019-04-25 by a78dthrow


I'm here fren. We're still out here.

Forever fren

We will bop the nonfrens together fren

Frens, we are all gonna make it. Have hope.

I’m here too fren. I’m sad

We're here for you fren

I will be your best fren

Gone but not forgotten

We're all still here, fren

Is this what Reddit’s afterlife is like frens? I like it here, have some 🍪


We are all frens here!

Im sorry frens im a little out of the loop. Whats with all the "i lost my home" posts?

Hmmmmm are you sure you are my fren?

I thought we were all friends here fren...

Sorry fren you can be my fren I’m just a little on edge of clowns invading again :(

Owo what's this reports



Only non-frens report frens. Are you a non-fren?

No but everyone else was doing it It was peer pressure I swear

Non-frens removed our home today :(

Home is a state of mind. With frens you are home.

Noo dont cry fren. Ill fren the bop outta you


We need to seek out refuge at r/againsthatesubreddits and bring them the gift of frenship!

no fren, the clowns there don't want frenship.

I just don't want them to be so angry and miserable all the time, fren. I wanna kill them.... with kindness :)

I'm already banned there, fren

I am shadow banned fren

I see you, fren.


No. You've already found your frens here.

Forever and eternity

I won't be your fren... I will be your best fren!

Revenge for the fallen frens

I give free hugs to all frens


Yes, fren!

Never forget the 6 million frens lost today

My sources tell me it may have been closer to 6 gorillion

What happened?

We will never forget fren

Forever fren

yes fren, everything will be ok. you are welcome here and we are happy to have you.


it's okay fren truth wins in the end

Wait what happened to frens? I missed it.

I'll even give you a MyPillow fren.. it's the bee's knees fren. Your neck never felt so good the next day!


We all become fren

I'll be your fren. Together, we'll get through this.

You discovered frenship on the way, that's what matters. Stick together frens.

can i be your fren?

Of course fren :)

do you want ice crem fren

Is it chocolate fren

if you want it chocolate fren

I don't know about chocolate fren, I can't take more than 13% cocoa or my stomach hurts.

ill buy you any ice craem u wantn then fren choose any

Of course we will be frens

Don't worry friend,

Yes fren

Yes fren


all frens are welcome here 😀

I see you, fren.