Hello, Frens! I am the feelings trader. Simply give me your negative feelings, and I’ll trade you for some nice ones!

53  2019-04-25 by FaxTax


My phone broke and the deductible costed $200 fren.. I don't like waisting good money I earn from my mcwage job fren..



I learned it from the ancients, fren. I think you are worthy to learn as well. You can become my pupil.

Do you mind if I’m your chef and I make you ham sammich

Is that an Idubbbz reference?

Idk it might be idk him I just want to make you a ham sammidge

Well, I’ll take one!

Wizard Fren I wanted to use this year for improvement, which I did but Im still not respected and the work I put into removing body tendies while succesful made me slack on Homework.

I have big exam tomorrow, not important but everyone tests themself with it. I have been shamed with it for 3 times now fren, when I get shamed tomorrow can you trade me some happiness wizard fren, I'll even add a rare ingredient, virgin tears on top.

Thanks fren I go cry myself to sleep now. I just wish I had some frens to hug.

hugs I’ll be your fren, kind fren. I’m sorry you’ve been shamed. Just know that your true frens value and support you unconditionally. Do your very best on your test, and then you have every right to be proud of yourself for doing all any reasonable person could expect someone to do.

I’ll try my powers to trade you as much happiness as possible in exchange for the negativity you possess. If you ever want to talk more, I’ll try my best to be there for you.

Blessings, fren.

Wizard fren. I put a spell on a fren and he died.

Can you reverse it fren? Regardless, you should talk to the confessions fren. I can try to bring your fren back if you want as well.

Yes plz wizard fren. He had a big red nose and funny colour hair fren. Please put a living spell on him fren.

Hmmm, he sounds... different. I’d talk to confessions fren about it and then come back to me.

isn’t necromancy is non-frenly my fren?

No, fren, it depends purely on who practices it and their intentions in doing so. I am a fren practicing it for frens in order to do good; therefore, what I’m doing is frenly.

Fren I’m so sick with flu.

I hope you get better soon, fren.

Fren, you trade for but sin. Tell me what makes my negative your gold?

I cannot say much without repercussions from my peers, fren, but I must say that I am a wizard who derives power from this negativity. I collect it and use it to do good with my ability.

Are you sure fren? I might have too much for you to carry.

I’m a strong wizard fren, fren. I can take what you have.