I just got a scholarship to go to college for free, frens!!

116  2019-04-25 by MisterSkeltle


now i dont have to pay for stupid college!

Congrats fren, you’ve beaten a mighty monster. Do us proud!

Good for you fren! You can learn really cool things in college and join antifa too! You should subscribe to r/GettingRacistsBanned

You should fuck off

Non fren jealous of OP's accomplishments?

It was some other retard commenting some literal sjw bs not op. Good for op and college don’t assume shit tho that’s being a faggot

Literally what I said lol

Great news fren, you get stupid college for free!


Congrats fren, do your best!

Make sure you make all your frens here happy by studying hard!

Wooo!! U go fren

Study hard fren

Congratulations fren! Make sure you pick a good major with strong job opportunities, no Clown Studies.

Well done fren