Hiya! Chia! Kyaha! I am practicing frenjitsu, frens

466  2019-04-25 by S0NNENRADICAL


You're doing great, fren! Keep going and you'll be a master of frenjitsu before you know it!

I mastered frenjitsu and black-bloc tactics on r/GettingRacistsBanned you should check it out fren!


Cool fren

Hone your skills for when it's time to bop nonfrens


That will help you bop nonfrens

Frenjitsu, masters of the bop

Try these seals: Goat Hippo Fren Tiger Fren. In that order.

Practice your frenjitsu erry day and you will fear no clown.

Frenja bop!

Very nice work, fren!



Cool! You look like one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Frens!

Gotta keep your boppin skills sharp fren

You are good at frenjitsu fren
