It’s been a very upsetting day frens. How are you frens?

9  2019-04-24 by Brotherhood72


Lonely and sad. Wbu fren

Same here fren, planned on doing something with my brofren and he never responded ;(

Ah this sucks. Happens. I am sure he didn't do it on purpose my fren he probably just had something inconvenient happen no worries! Next time it'll be cool my fren

It happens fren. If he starts to do this all the time it may be time to get another brofren , if its a one off he may just be dealing with his own stuff today. I wish I could hang out with you fren :) do you like fishing?

I hope fren!

I'm hanging on by a thread, but you're more important than me. What's wrong fren? Is there anything I can do to help?

We are all equally important fren, I love you fren stay strong

I'm not here to talk about me, but thank you. Tell me about you fren.

As I said, brofren who is actually just bro lied to me about wanting to do something, makes me upset fren.

Your right to be upset. Did you have plans to do "something" or just hang out? some frens you find in your life burn bright and fast and fade away, some will always be there but only be associates and some you will find amazing moments with that you will remember even if they leave you. Life is not short, life is long. I wish I could take you out shooting or fishing or just chill out and play atari with you fren. you seem very frenly.

You too fren. We were planning on going out to eat. Shoot me a PM fren.

it upset me more than i thought it would. i'm proud we stood our ground but i'm going to miss all my frens and the times they've made me laugh


As I said, brofren who is actually just bro lied to me about wanting to do something, makes me upset fren.
