New Fren Question: What are clowns?

4  2019-04-24 by guINNES-fren

A new fren here, looking for help!

I’ve heard a lot of different views of what clowns are. Some say they are the nonfrenly ones pushing clownworld ideals on frens like us.

Others say clowns are frens who have given up with clownworld and are laughing at it.

I am much confusion!

Help a fren out. Love you all frens!



Hope that helps, fren

You have helped me see the light... thank you fren

The clowns have seen some bad things fren.

clowns are the ones that have accepted that we live in a clown world

Both, they’ve accepted it and are trying to get us to

Also you are a choad of the highest caliber for posting this, it’s not that hard to figure out what clown means. We’re a one joke sub

You aren't very frenly, fren