I can’t wait to see the new avengers movie tomorrow Frens!

61  2019-04-24 by chromosome-homie


Captain Fren, Iron Fren, The Incredible Honk, Black Frenther, Spider Fren, Doctor Fren, Fren Machine, Frencon, Scarlet Fren, The Winter Fren, Star-Fren, Rocket Frencoon, Frenx the Frenstroyer, Black Frendow, and Thfren

Which Fren will get bopped?
Will past Frens get unbopped?

How will Frens survive Clowns from multiple Universes?

They will use the infrenity stones to unbop all the bopped and turn everyone in the universe into frens

I heard that frens fight their own frens but frenship wins in the end.

Hai fren! Plz dont spoil the movie fren. I will see it on Saturday fren feel free to join

I would never spoil it fren. Have fun on Saturday!

Long time lurker here: Afrengers

Good one fren

I see it Friday fren

Yo squillium, it’s me Jorge!!!

Hi Fren

No spoilers frens! I have to wait till next week once I finish the semester... sad bop

Good Luck on your exams fren!

Thank you fren! Enjoy the movie!

Remember frens: No spoilers :)

Don’t spoil pls fren

I would never ruin a fren’s experience!

Spoiler: the frens win.

Good one fren