Me and fren are going to watch the new Avengers movie soon

90  2019-04-24 by Euthimo2k


Me too fren!

Got mine 2 weeks ago, and we'll be arriving ~30 minutes in advance just in case :)

Good! Are they good seats, fren?

Ye! Around the middle, although I doubt we'll make it without going to the restroom at leat once. What's your plan, fren?

I’m going to be in a tech conference when they come out so my idea is to see the reviews first then go with my friends after

Sounds like a plan! Have fun fren!

Thanks fren!

Don’t read any comments on this post.

I trust my frens. They won't spoil

Be sure to let me know whether ant man shoots himself into Thanos's asshole

Will do fren

No true fren goes to the movies to fund non-fren nose frens. Stop supporting Hollywood because they hate frens.

Me tooooooo yay Fren

Can I go with fren?

I will go watch it too fren, maybe I will you see and your frens there fren I really would love to