I asked out a girl that I knew for a while and she shook her head and laughed frens

38  2019-04-24 by genericmoron913


its ok fren you atleast still have reddit frens

That just means she wasn't the one fren, the right one comes to you fren❤️

A no from someone could be a hell yes from someone else. Gotta keep trying.

You have to look at yourself realistically. If you are a 2 asking out a movie star..... It ain't happening.

Be realistic in your goals, if you are a 400lb piece of shit, guess who the only person is going to say yes, a 400 lb piece of shit.

The same goes if you are a scrawny, pimpley faced guy...stay in your league.

Let me guess. You post on the Donald??? Yep seems about right.

Great to see a fellow pede in the wild, but let's not act so rude to someone having a hard time. It reflects poorly on our character and the character of the subs we associate ourselves with.

Sometimes the truth hurts.

I agree but sometimes our basement dwelling brethren need a dose of reality.

Don't worry fren, she lost out big-time!

It happens to all of us fren, you tried and that was better than not trying at all.

Go by a gun, then you can shake ur hed n laff at her, fren.