When I see nonfrens saying unfrenly things about my frens in r/frenworld

2110  2019-04-23 by S0NNENRADICAL


So you shake and then you dab? ๐Ÿ˜Ž

bop and dab

happy cake day ๐Ÿ˜˜

thank u fren!! i completely forgot it was today!

happ to help fren! :)

Dab on the non-frens and the clowns! We frenly!

Yeah! We Frenly!

we gon bop the nonfrens fren

Don't bop them that's not frenly only bop if you have to love you fren

Nonfrens get bops

You are misinformed. Part of your duty, your civic responsibility to your fellow Frens, is to report all Nonfrenly activity so they may be bopped.

But I want non frens to become frens they won't be fens if we bop them :(

Outside of Frenworld world you can try to Frenpill whomever you please. When Nonfrenly activity occurrs within the borders of our glorious Frenostate you must report it. You owe this to your fellow Frens.

But fren if we bop them just for being unfrenly we're being unfrenly like them I'll defend all the frens till the ens if unfrens are being unfrenly but I think we should only bop if going to be bopped but it's okay if we disagree fren I love you still and we're still frens ๐Ÿ–ค

Frenworld came to be after nonfrens ran us from our homelands. The NonFren would bop you at the first opportunity. Part of Frenship is defending what is ours. I appreciate your optimistic attitude and respect your opinion, and of course we are still frens.

I suppose we need all kinds of frens you bop them and I'll try to make them our frens fren(I'll bop if they really need it :) ) much hugs and love for you and your frens and family fren

I would much rather you convert them. I miss the days when we had 1-2,000 members. I just made dope OC all the time and met new frens. Now I feel like I mainly just lookout for the well being of other frens, help guide new ones and report NonFrens.

I dunno that I can convert anyone but I always try to he frenly and loving to everyone that's why I don't understand why everyone thinks we're hate filled...I try to love everyone even if they make me not like them I still try my best to love them

Agreed. I first became a fren about 5-6 months ago. I feel a lot of new frogs dont really understand what being frenly is all about.

Ask not what your fren can do for you but what you can do for your fren

help fren i'm new what is it all about

It's about doing your best for yourself and your frens. It's about protecting frens amd the frenly way of life from outside non frens who mean you harm. It's about realising the realities of the clown world we are in and realising not everyone is a fren. It's about creating a place for fren children to grow up and flourish. It's about continuing to maintain fren lands and fren culture and our way of life.

We must secure the existence of our frens and a future for frenly children.


Well said Fren.

Thank you fren

it's sad that frenship needs to be protected but what would we be without frenship

I would have been bopped a few weeks ago if I didn't get frenpilled. I can't stress how important it is to attempt frenpilling before commencing bopping sequence.

I'm glad to have you with us fren.

Glad to be here fren. I love all my frens.

do i report non frenly activity to the police man?

No, you report them to our mod frens so that they may issue swift bopping justice.

there is a frenly police man who patrolls every now and then. is he just a meme or is he a mod?

Thats right. Our most holy fren told us to turn the other cheek when someone bops us

Bop the nonfrens meme war now.

The bop and the dab. The bab.

dab on nonfrens

Ur muscular fren

Nice dab fren

i like ur style fren, a cool cat kinda fren

Dab on them nonfrens fren

What is the bot to save gifs on mobile called?

Unfrenly things

It was a joke frens :(

It's your duty to report the Nonfrens so they can be bopped.

Fren you're very cool!

Dab on them haters fren!

I don't like nonfrens, they're so mean


needs music fren, awesome!

And then super distortion with the dab happens. But our fren still made a great video

sheesh of course this is lit frens

Nonfrens get the #BOP

I agree fren

We grew so fast. I dont wanna lose my old frens.

Dont You know fren? This is an disgusting hate sub :(


Hate against who?

I dont know fren, I dont hate anybody People outside this frenspace are stupid and think this sub is a hate sub :(

Thatโ€™s messed up. The whole point of frenworld is to be frenly with each other.

People see hate when they want to see hate.

it all makes sense now

frenlyness intensifies


dabs at nonfrens

honk honk

Iโ€™m a new fren, but I like these posts fren.

We have your back fren

someone upset this lil pepe? ill destroy them

thank u fren!! i completely forgot it was today!

Yeah! We Frenly!

Glad to be here fren. I love all my frens.