My stand op routine didnt go that well

56  2019-04-23 by bibossw


Do you want to be like Jerry Seinfren?

Oh no fren! I am so sorry. I hope the non-frens who threw tomatoes at you realise how good you really are! I believe in you!

omg fren, i think you did great and you are hilarious! keep going, everyone gets a bad start, you can only improve

Hey fren, everybody fails. It’s the only real way to learn. Don’t give up!

Fren, don’t worry many of the best comics today failed when they started out. My first gig ever with my band was a failure , but we learned and now we sell house. Fren you must learn from mistakes, be better next time and never give up! I know for a fact that you will del house and I would love to see you preform one day fren! We will always cheer you on fren!