can you tell me a bedtime story before nappy time frens?

91  2019-04-23 by CyberFash10


There was once a nwice fren he was a fren so automatically he had a happy ending de end.

Nice story fren.

Once upon a time I had a fren. I loved my fren. This fren was YOU fren! And we lived happily frenly afte in frenworldr. The fren. I love you fren. *pats your head

There once was a green called CyberFash10 and he was a fucking retard and disappointed his parents when he came out as a homosexual then was kicked out of the house and spent years living on the streets, begging until he finally got a job as a cashier at burgher king but he was such a worthless braindead degenerate and couldn’t do the simplest tasks right and now he goes to sleep every night knowing he’s an ugly troglodyte motherfucker who provides nothing to society and should have been euthanized at a young age

There once was a fren called u/CyberFash10 and he was a fucking retard and disappointed his parents when he came out as a homosexual then was kicked out of the house and spent years living on the streets, begging like a bumbling fucking buffoon until he finally got a job as a cashier at burger king but he was such a worthless braindead degenerate and couldn’t do the simplest tasks right so he got fired and now he goes to sleep every night knowing he’s an ugly troglodyte motherfucker who provides nothing to society and should have been euthanized at a young age

Nonfren begone

Fren are you reading your mother's will again?

Ur no fren. Go commit die

That’s not very frenly...Quit bopping my fren >:(

What happen to you that would make you say something like this fren. You can tell me, I’m here for you

You are a good fren

Don't be unfrenly it's not nice :( I'm sorry you're either bored sad or angry to the point of being unfrenly

too unfrenly, didn't read

God wuvs you fren, it's part of the gwatest story ever told

I hope you had good sleep fren :) sorry I missed the story time for you I'm not very good at stories anyways though