Never forget that they hate Frenliness so much they can't even stand to see us greet one another in a Frenly manner. Pity them.

29  2019-04-23 by majtommm


That sub looks very unfrenly. What is it about? One of their rules was “We may just ban you because we feel like it.”

Sub that started out making fun of idiots that think their smart and now is a far-left brigading sub for anything they don't like.

It's.....not really about anything. It's become another far left circle jerk sub. I like to visit all the smooth brain subs to see how they think. I guess this account can't comment there anymore.

And yes, it's very unfrenly.


Probably not the right word

That's a valid point.

Don’t go back fren. They don’t understand you’re awesomeness

I like to visit NonFren subs to see how they think, to see what motivates them. I don't stir up shit in their subs, hardly ever comment. I have no issue being banned there I just thought it was funny which comment they chose to ban me for.

Clown Sub honk honk

Our frenliness is under attack. Those who do the bop try to segregate us to one sub, stopping us from spreading frenly love to all

Much sad frens

Absolutely a clown sub. Like most of Reddits left leaning subs they aren't for anything, just against things.

It’s upsetting. The ‘woke’ left are ironically leaving behind the arguably good left wing ideas and becoming engulfed in identitarianism

What makes it even worse is the pace in which moving in that direction. A center left individual today would have been considered pretty far left just a few years ago. It's crazy but the right has become the counter culture at this point.

Totally agree with the left going further left! The fact that people like me (old school liberals) are called ‘alt-right’ for believing in liberties like freedom of speech and favouring the importance of the individual over the collective is terrifying.

So looking through the modern lens of todays political labeling, so you still consider yourself to be a liberal?

That all depends on what is being me at by liberal... in the US the term liberal has been skewed to a point beyond comprehension. In a European/British sense, I would say I’m liberal. I believe in universal rights and individual liberties... something I’m told are conservative beliefs by some. So who the hell knows

Yeah, it really is a confusing time.

Clowns just want the world to be silly. Hate an doxxin an dummies in a sub called Top Minds. Too silly. Clowns confirmed.

I welcome frens. If you see me on another subreddit, feel free to say hi

Same here Fren.

Hate speech is a code world for antifren

The NonFren cries out in pain as he strikes you

Hi fren! Nice to see you again! I was banned right after saying hi to you. At least here we are surrounded by frens.

Same here Fren.